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Losing Weight

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Hello everyone.

My weight is something I have struggled with for a while. I have always been chubby/overweight and dont remember the last time I was under 200lbs.

Currently I am 27, 6'3, and weigh 301lbs.

I would really like to lose at least 100lbs. What are some good motivators or tricks to losing the weight? Also, how much weight is too much weight to lose on a weekly basis? 5lbs, 10lbs,20lbs?

Should I set myself to lose X amount of weight a week, or set a monthly goal?

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I think the experts say no more that two or three pounds a week.


There's no silver bullet. I've lost about 100lbs but it took years. I didn't lose most of that until I really paid attention to what I ate. I don't do diets. But I do eat properly. Smaller portions, no refined sugar, no bad fats, no processed food. Or I should say I avoid them. I do eat them, just very little.


I'm also extreme when it comes to fitness. But I don't think it is that necessary. It's about 80% good eating. And a better goal than weight is fitting into clothes. Go by how you feel and look, not so much the scale. Fad diets never last. As soon as you finish them the weight will come back on. Patience is also key. People who make lasting changes and slowly take it off, usually keep it off.

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Focus on getting fit and the weight will come off. Get a check from a doctor to make sure there's no stuff you have that need to know about first (heart condition, blood pressure, etc). Maybe they can recommend good programs.


Get help from a good dietitian or hospital/clinic classes or commercial diets that are rated well. No fad diets, shakes, quick weight loss gimmicks, etc. That messes up your health and metabolism and muscle mass.


Change the whole way to think about food. Develop a healthier replacement for whatever reason you were eating or situations where eating too much of bad food took place. Replace bad habits with better ones don't leave voids. Walk a lot more.


Get help from a trainer at a gym sign up for their classes as well as stuff like martial arts, golf, whatever. Even cooking classes or dancing lessons to meet people. The focus is to stay active. Don't over train or over diet. A psychologist may help to sort out any residual body image or eating reasons type of stuff.

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The two best tips I went by when I lost weight:


1.) Eat food that has the least amount of sugar and salt and fat, and do not add any to what you're eating.


2.) Watch your portion sizes. There are tons of health sites that can give you more info on what portion sizes should be.


I've found as long as I follow these two tips that you will lose weight or once the weight is lost, you won't regain it.

It sounds simple but it can be tough. Best of luck to you, don't give up!

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Have you considered a structured program, like weight watchers? That's a great program that I have used when I feel like my weight is climbing and my habits are slacking. It gives you guidance and flexibility.


As for a healthy rate of weight loss, I think the heavier you are, the more you tend to lose. 6'-3" is tall, but 300 is heavy, so you may lose 5 - 10 lbs per week, especially in the beginning. But I'm only going off what I've seen on tv to be honest. Your doctor will know best.


Some tips:

Slow and steady wins the race. People who try to lose weight fast by cutting a lot of calories tend to yo-yo.

If you do take a more drastic approach and cut a lot of calories, be sure to get a lot of rest. It helps!

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A few tips that will help around diet and activity:


General nutrition:

1. Hydration - Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Cut out soda and fruit juices; just water, maybe add lemon or lime.

2. Cut out refrined sugars and stuff that has high fructose corn syrup. Read labels.

3. Low sodium and certainly don't add salt to food.

4. Once you cut out #3 and #4, basic foods will actually start to taste pretty good.

5. Never eat a meal until you're full; only eat until you're 80% full.

6. Spread nutrition throughout the day - Instead of eating two large meals a day, spread it out into six for instance over the day.

7. Do your research on nutrition or consult a nutritionist.



1. Insulin spikes in the morning after you get up. Two things on this...

A. Breakfast - Breakfast is as it says. You've been fasting all night, now break it by eating. Generally, eat protein in the morning and carbs later in the day. Carbs in the morning will potentially add more weight since your insulin is spiking so they're more apt to be stored.

B. Hydrate with only water before breakfast then get active to burn off that sugar your body is producing.

2. Interval training - Do activity where you move between arobic and anarobic zones (generally aerobic is pre-sweating, anaerobic is sweating). You really only need 1/2 hour of this daily.

3. Start small - Start a routine small and gradually build up.

4. Abstain from long runs - This will do more harm than good on your joints (hard impact), especially since your a big/tall guy. See #3.

5. Swimming - If you have access to a pool, this is hands down, the best all around low impact full body activity. Period.

6. Developer a training plan. Full body and diverse. Do your research and consult a trainer. Your training program should become a normal part of life that you work into your daily schedule; no different than eating, sleeping or working. That's how you need to think of it.

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