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Okay so I'll try and keep this short and straight forward.


My girlfriend and I met two years ago.

I'm 24 she's 21.

We weren't supposed to become anything, it wasn't supposed to be more than just sleeping together. We were both pretty set on just being FWB.

About a month in we started dating, 2 months after that I left the country for 6 months working.

I was faithful and as far as I know so was she. But that's not the issue here.

We spoke every day. Long distance didn't really phase us. I guess we were in love.

Then I came back everything was back to normal quickly, a month after I got back we left town together and moved to the city and got an apartment with my best friend and his girlfriend.

I started my own small business (I'll be honest it's struggling but we'll get there) she finished her 1 year college course top of the class. We moved into our own apartment after that because girlfriends were always at eachother throat.

We fight. A lot. About Small things, stupid things and sometimes I don't even know what we're fighting about. She's always upset or angry.

She has endometriosis, which makes things difficult emotionally and physically and financially for her/us.

I work a second job waitering with her so we can pay the bills and live slightly more comfortable than we're both used to.

She's got practically no one to support her except me.


And now.. I'm not sure how I'm feeling after 2 years..

She wants to get married, for a while I wanted that as well. Almost asked her.

But lately I can't help but find myself looking at other women, thinking of my exes or just evenbeing single.

She says she loves me with all her being. I can see that sometimes. She has said she'd probably kill herself if I ever left her which freaks me out a bit. She's mentioned this at least a few times.

Sexually I feel like she's much more attracted to me.. however we never seem to have the mood at the same time and she gets really upset when I refuse sex.

I just need some words of wisdom here.. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

I feel unhappy most of the time. Wish I could be out of the relationship a lot of the time.

But I don't want to lose her, or hurt her.

Everyone says we're perfect together, however I really don't see it. Sometimes I wonder how this even got this far at all.

Spoke to one of my friends, he says I'd be stupid to leave her because she's a really attractive girl.


She really really loves me. And I do love her.. but I feel like I don't want to be with her anymore?

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Telling you she's going to kill herself if you ever leave is manipulative! If you are at the point where you wish you were single, I say cut your losses and break it off with her. You are just wasting your time and her time to continue with a relationship that you are no longer wanting. It's like you are with her but you are mentally out of the relationship.


Sometimes that's what dating is all about, you learn and know what you want. It seems to me that you want out. I also advise you not to go to the friend that advise you not to leave her because she is attractive. That is a bad advice. You need to WANT to be in the relationship for in order to make it work.

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Sorry to hear this. It sounds like you feel trapped and want to find a way out. She sounds a bit clingy, neurotic and manipulative if she threatens suicide if you leave. Yikes.


Quietly and secretly get an exit plan together as far as moving out, ending it properly, etc.. When you've lined everything up logistically and mentally, tell her kindly and honestly that it's not working out and you will be moving out. Give her a month's rent to find a new roommate, but get out. You're miserable.

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