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boyfriends family


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my partner and i have been together for years and live in a beautiful studio. his family came out to visit, mom, her husband and his brother. but its expensive here so theyre staying with us and have a hotel for only 3 nights. my mom and dad would NEVER do that, our studio is too small and we dont have money for sheets and all the things we had to buy to make his family comfortable. they have been getting up at THREE AM to make breakfast and coffee...i cant fall back asleep its like ? also, were just really different. im really conscience of others and kind and theyre more out there and about having a good time. i usually am super annoyed at everything they talk about, theyre rude on accident, loud, and dont consider my feelings or space or home at all. never have. so naturally i was worried about them coming out and just wanted to do the best i could for my boyfriend so everyone could have a good time...but its day 2 and im already pissed as hell. and he doesnt understand or try to make it easier for me, he always gets caught up with them...naturally. im trying to grin and bare it but i have such strong opinions, personalities AND intense emotions so its very hard for me to control. i need some advice, some support. im so so irritated and just wish i could let it go and enjoy them but i really just dont like them his brothers fun but when im irritated they pair up and im left out. i really feel like im doing my best but its obviously not enough. next time im making other plans and just going to figure something else out but i somehow need to get through this week smiling and being positive. thanks for any help

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I like to practice 'disengaging' from my frustration and hostility rather than allowing it to control me. No good can come from it, and I like feeling the mastery of self control.


I'd consider myself on an indoor camping trip with people who mean the world to my partner, which would keep me inclined to give them the benefit of any doubt and remain cheerful. I would set up a few dates with girlfriends to catch a breather from the crowd and possibly sleep over. Then I'd bring home nice foods and refresh my willingness to celebrate the rare and temporary visit from these people who I've decided that I adore.


I'd stop making this about me, and instead I'd make it about reaching for my best possible generosity of spirit. You may just surprise yourself with your resilience, and your relationship may improve rather than erode because of the wisdom of your choice on this.


Head high, you can do this.

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These people raised your bf remember? To the person that he is . Are they really that horrible ? Anyone on here knows that I am not a fan of my in laws nor have they been of me for a long many few decades . Over the past I would say a year it has gotten much better . However ,absolutely 100% you should be polite . Never never never try and drag your partner away from their family . Almost 100% of the time you will lose .

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