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Me and my boyfriend have been arguing since I was pregnant with my now 4 month old daughter... I'm a strict mom... I don't want him or his family doing certain things with the baby and I now don't like his mom because what she did around and to the baby. I complain everyday to my boyfriend about something around the house or when I feel like I'm doing mostly everything and he plays the game. I can't stand when his mom comes over to see the baby and don't want her here w/o me being here at the house. I don't go to any of their family functions because I don't want there to be any tension and he calls me names and make me feel low. My daughter and life itself is the only things keeping me happy but I want more happiness

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What exactly does his mother do that bothers you so much? I have a feeling you are overwhelmed with motherhood and that you need more breaks to get out and even if you only go to the grocery store, the change of scenery will do you good. Your control freak nature as you present it is not healthy. Your child needs interaction with other people, including grandma. As long as grandma isn't doing anything dangerous with the baby, you need to lighten up and accept her presence and if she offers to babysit for a while, take her up on it. You sound like you are wound too tight.

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You must respect the fact she is her grandma, and it's fine if she is not too strict to the child, balance is a positive thing.

Put down the wall and slow down on the complains... if you want him to help more you suggest, ask, or simply give a task... don't start immediately complaining.

You seem very hard to deal with, and depressed. Look for therapy and try to build a better relationship with your partner and his family.

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