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Am I naive or does this actually have a chance?


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I'm adding background cause I feel it's necessary. I met a guy through a friend over Skype a few years ago and we bonded immediately. At the time we were both going through rough family stuff and I managed to talk him out of suicide. (Which is why my friend introduced me to him. He thought I could help) We were both Juniors which explains why he reacted so drastically with hormones and all. We're both bilingual- he's German and I'm American so there was luckily no language issues. We continued talking after that and we became friends pretty quickly. It morphed into flirting and then we started skyping each other. A few months after we met we started dating. The first few weeks were rough cause I'm borderline so naturally I'm thinking of everything that could go wrong but he helped me through it all and accepted me for who I was which was different from my previous relationships. (They never really knew how to handle it) Our top priority is to keep the other person happy so if I'm having issues but his are worse- I'll aid him and ignore mine. He does the same. So it's decent balance. I've been with him for 2 and a half years- Now a freshman in college. We can both drive but he's in a completely different continent. I don't know how much longer it will be till we meet up and then after that- how much longer it will take for us to be together. I don't plan on ending things cause our emotional bond is stronger than most modern relationships I think and we're like yin and yang where our cons benefit each other's pros and vice versa. I was wondering if I'm just being naive with this whole situation or if there's actually a chance of us working out. Your thoughts?

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You've never met but he sounds like a nice cyber-friend. However don't neglect your in-person real life. Get more involved with your college life and campus activities. You may never meet and perhaps being supportive friends is what this is meant to be.

2 and a half years- Now a freshman in college. I don't know how much longer it will be till we meet up and then after that- how much longer it will take for us to be together.
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