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so my ex didn't want to come back to me cause while we were broke up I had slept with one other person he said that was a deal breaker. here's the kicker. He is now in a relationship with a girl him and his friends trained ( more than 2 had sex with her at the same time) and he is claiming her and she also has a body count of 10+ and he is showing her off saying that he is mature about it and that it was so long ago and he loves her now and wants to marry her. I also hate this girl and have gotten into arguments about him with her how could he date a hoe but not me when I only had sex with one other boy. He took my virginity and he also took the other girls but he can get over her having sex with a lot of guys including his friends but he treats me like I'm the worst thing in the world to him. He never had a real relationship with her but with me we were together for basically 3 years and he did have sex with a lot of people when we were broken up. I don't understand how he could want to be with her and forgive her but not me and I begged him to forgive me

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A woman's value doesn't go down by how many partners she's had sex with. It's such a nicer way to go through life in you internalize that and stop judging yourself and others by that crappy standard. Your ex doesn't want to be with you because he doesn't. He sounds like a hurtful jerk. Feel grateful you are free of him

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Regardless of him seeming immature and an hypocrite, you need to move on and stop worrying about who is dating or if the girl is a hoe or not according to his or your standards. It's none of your business anymore. It might seem unfair to you but it's his choice and his life. Enough with arguing with them and knowing details about his and hers personal life. You need to accept and respect his choice and focus on yourself and how you can heal. Good luck.

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