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Is this crazy or is there reason to be concerned?


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Females- say your partner started working later and later each night. Starting at 7am and finishing at almost 11pm. A casual position. An in between job.

Say he rejects you 80% of the time you want to have sex. And when you have said sex, it is just him putting it in dry and going for less than 2 minutes then falling asleep.

Say you check out his Instagram feed and there is just massive amounts of bikini models half his age. All of them with identical bodies, that are the opposite of your own.

Say you ask him casually "when was the last time you had sex? And his reply being "with you?"

Say a beautiful catfish tried adding him on facebook and he only admits it many days later and only when he clued in it was a catfish (this catfish was not you).

Say he convinces you that all of these things are crazy, that he has a reason for all of these confidence crushing things that add up. Say he gets angry at you when you call him out on it and twists the conversation to make you look and feel insecure.

Would you suspect an affair? Or would you think that you are going crazy?

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How long have you been together? Do you live together? Is your concern that he's losing interest or that he's cheating?


Who was this beautiful catfish? Was that set up to discover something?

Say he rejects you 80% of the time you want to have sex. And when you have said sex, it is just him putting it in dry and going for less than 2 minutes then falling asleep. Say you check out his Instagram feed and there is just massive amounts of bikini models half his age. All of them with identical bodies, that are the opposite of your own.Say a beautiful catfish tried adding him on facebook and he only admits it many days later and only when he clued in it was a catfish (this catfish was not you).

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Could be two things either he's up to something or not. I'd say yes he probably is that was until my last relationship. Now I wouldn't be so sure. He might be working so hard for whatever reason. I don't know about instagram. FB I get, do you know this person daily usually hot. I only have maybe 10 people on there I ignore almost anything. He's probably feeling that you are off and somethings wrong so he doesn't want to have sex. Plus 15hr days at work. He said he only has sex with you. Sounds like you have called him out on these random things so now he's getting frustrated.


I know that seems 1 sided just saying it can exist.

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