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When crush finally likes you back


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Soooo, after about five months of sorta quietly obsessing over a girl, and having a previous brief mutual interest that ended up fading into the friend zone, she finally reveals that she has mutual feelings. Yaaay, time to celebrate overcoming the friend zone! But now here comes the real challenge... Her interest faded once before, so how to still be true to self, but not make the same mistakes that killed the buzz before? Not sure what exactly were the mistakes made previously, maybe revealing too much information in too short of time, or wanting to talk/text/message too much, maybe giving a impression of desperation or creepiness... just not sure.. maybe it was something unrelated like a crazy ex stalking and creeping on her, that made her prefer singleness.. Just don't know... But the bottom line is, she came back around, and here is the do-over that has taken months and months of waiting, dreaming and hoping, it's here now!! How, just how to proceed here and not **** this up again?

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Excellent. Go slow, ask her to go for coffee and definitely avoid the things you mentioned and any type of friendzone behavior like over-sharing, texting too much etc. Go on specific date that you ask her in advance. Avoid hangouts as if you're just friends.

revealing too much information in too short of time, or wanting to talk/text/message too much, maybe giving a impression of desperation or creepiness...
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I might be blunt but when you sleep with her its usually the ciment that hooks up a girl for good


I wouldn't rush into this realm just yet. If you push for this, it'll push her away. Best situation to be in is when "sleeping together" is her idea so go slow and let things escalate naturally.

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