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Is the lifestyle change difficult when entering a full relationship or marriage?

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I'm still young, graduated college and started building a career. Most my life I have had only a few friends and never really had a serious relationship, but never really wanted one either. Since I'm rather independent, I'm used to committing most of my time and money to myself, taking up many hobbies such as rebuilding old cars and building wooden furniture.


Even though I'm still young, as I get older I am starting to get a desire to find someone to settle down with and have children. Obviously, I will have to compromise the things I do and love now in order to make something happen. Is this lifestyle change hard?

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If you find someone who is actually compatible with you and you both have hobbies and truly understand each other, lifestyle change is minimal. In a healthy relationship, you may need to modify how much time you spend on hobbies, but you should never ever enter a relationship where your partner demands that you give things up for them.


Being independent, look for a woman who is equally independent, one who also likes her space, has her own hobbies she is passionate about, etc. You will compliment each other and understand each other that way and so your relationship will have little friction. If you make a mistake of dating someone who is very needy and makes their life all about you and the relationship, you will end up stressed, suffocated and ultimately highly resentful of them. For an independent person, needy attached at the hip type are a real life nightmare.


I'm speaking as someone who is very independent herself. Good thing is that there are plenty of us around of all genders so not that hard to find a suitable partner.

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You can have a partner that supports you hobbies. If you have kids you'll have less time and less money but it doesn't mean you won't have any time or any money. Life style change can be so easy you don't notice it... and it can be the hardest thing in the world. It completely depends on you, your attachments and desires. You might find when you like someone a whole lot it's easy to not work on your hobbies as much. Or you might feel resentful and annoyed by the lack of time. Other then putting energy into learning to take whatever life throws at you in stride, there isn't much point in worrying and guessing about something that isn't happening yet.

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Not with the right woman. You'll want to spend time together. You may want to find another introvert and someone independent rather than a clingy or glued at the hip type.

as I get older I am starting to get a desire to find someone to settle down with and have children. Obviously, I will have to compromise the things I do and love now in order to make something happen. Is this lifestyle change hard?
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Relationships and marriage are vastly different. (Relationships are two people. Marriage is two people who become one.)


Hobbies and interests come and go.


Being with someone who is just like you is boring and most likely doomed.


Compatibility means compatible backgrounds. (e.g., you like working alone on your cars, she likes golfing with her friends. Both are interesting hobbies that compliment you and her.)


Yours and hers become the matched puzzle pieces of your unique "one".

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