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Should I leave him?


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Hello, I have a serious issue and I need some advice. I was in a 1 year relationship with a man a few years older than I. I broke up with him because I had a very bad lying issue, I have quite the blabber mouth and I kept pushing him away which made me feel like he didn't trust me and didn't love me anymore. I then found out he was doing suicidal things to himself because I was literally the only person who ever cared for him and listened. I got back with him because I worried for his safety and worried he would rid his life because of me.. I do not love him and I feel sick thinking that he loves me still and wishes to start the relationship again. I want to be happy and 'live my life' from what he says but I feel chained when I am with him.. Should I leave him and risk him losing his life or stay and help him be happier without me?

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Someone who threatens suicide to coerce you to get back is manipulative. He needs a psychiatrist not a relationship.


Was he abusive in addition to being a pathological liar and threatening this to manipulate you? He seems to have 2 giant red flags of being controlling/abusive.


You need to end this immediately and go no contact and block him. Tell him to call a suicide hotline or 911 if he "feels suicidal".

I broke up with him because I had a very bad lying issue. I got back with him because I worried for his safety and worried he would rid his life because of me.. I do not love him and I feel chained when I am with him
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He.. is toxic. And whether you are there.. or not. he will STILL have these issue's.

You cannot 'fix' him.


Sad to see people in this state of mind.. but as mentioned. he NEEDS prof help and is up to him to react and take it.


NEVER let someone bring you down with them.. and they will, emotionally etc, if you let them.


Best to keep your distance and worry about yourself. Relationships should not be this full of stress & turmoil.

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he was doing suicidal things to himself because I was literally the only person who ever cared.


Not true.


He doesn't love himself. A person that loves themselves wouldn't do this to themselves. He has mental issues that he needs to resolve. He needs professional help.


That's not your fault. You should be able to do whatever you want.

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