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My boyfriend broke up with me because of LDR

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Hello there. I'm quite desperate right now so I need some help. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 months, things were amazing all round, we were seeing each other a lot as we study at the same university and live in the same campus. We really got along wonderfully, we connected on so many levels. We knew from the very beginning that he will have to leave the country for a whole year to study, but he decided to try it out with me anyway.



So today he broke up with me out of nowhere, he told me that he's already too attached to me, that he loves me and that he'd rather break up with me now since he thinks a LDR wouldn't ever work and would not wish to hurt me more in the future. I tried to tell him that it could work if we both tried but he said that he wouldn't bear knowing that this LDR would hurt me.


I feel really stupid right now, but I don't want this to end, I love him so much. What should I do? I'm afraid of the NC rule as he will leave the country in 2 weeks and then we won't be able to see eachother until in autumn.

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My experience was with my old high school gf of 5 years back in the 90s, she went to school out of town and met a guy there


At least you guys aren't to far in.... enjoy life.


P.S I suck at taking my own advice sometimes, but Bob Marley said it best.

"Everyone has a little voice inside them" -listen to it

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I don't want to hurt you - translation - I'm going to be in another country and want to be free to enjoy and have fun and hook up with whoever I meet there without a gf back home to dampen my day.


At least he is being honest instead of stringing you along with "trying" to make it work. Anyway, it may seem like he is all that, but only 2 months in you are still in the best of the early stages of the honeymoon period - no idea what he is really like once he starts being himself. So try to keep that in mind and don't idolize him. Also, it would seem that with him going, NC will be inevitable, whether you like it or not. Bottom line is that if you are both still single and interested in each other by fall, you both know how to find each other. Until then, leave him to sow his wild oats and don't put your own life on hold waiting.

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