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Confused or just not brave enough to end it....


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I been dating this guy for bout 6 month now. And not too long ago we had a huge fight and I told him that I need some time alone. I asked for space and time and he said that he thinks that I am hesitating about us and that he doesn't accept hesitation. Then I explained to him that I am a bit overwhelmed by his affection and that he is babying me to much. I told him that I don't feel like a woman, I feel like a little girl with him, and I am almost 30 years old. When I didn't see or talk to him for 2 days he broke up with me over txt and said that even though he loves me with pure love and all of his heart he doesn't think that we are going to work and then that very same day he showed up and demanded to sit down and talk to me about what I want to do with our relationships.

I felt overwhelmed and just wanted to run away from him. Conversation didn't go anywhere and nothing really was solved.

He said to me that he realized that he was moving to fast and was way too needy.

We are different. He wants me to be all over him 24/7 and I am not like that. He has a constant need of touching me, feeling me, kissing me and telling me how cute, adorable I am. And he wants me to be like that too toward him.

He told me also that thats how he loves.


I don't know what to do. I don't feel the same about him like I was at the beginning of our relationship and I don't think I can give him what he wants. He is a very nice guy but I am starting to think that he is just not the right person for me.


What do I do? How do I end this or should I rethink and re-analyze my thoughts and feelings toward him?


Thank you..

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He sounds smothering. I'm assuming you communicated this to him during the last six months and nothing improved. Instead of expecting someone to change, yes, it's better to let him go and find a woman who likes that extreme sort of affection. And why should you try to accommodate someone you've only known for 6 months and be miserable? That's the point of dating--to see who you're compatible with or not. You continue on with someone who is compatible in all the must-have ways, and break it off with those who have deal breakers or other incompatibility issues. You're the only who has your back. Do what's best for yourself.

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LOL....usually it's the woman who feels this way. In most relationships there is usually one that is more 'needy' than the other. My sister says her husband is the 'girl' in their relationship! If you can't take it...and he is turning you OFF....then end it. He needs a woman who LIKES her man all over her. If he's making you feel like a little girl, rather than a woman...you need OUT.


I dated a guy for a couple of months....and I couldn't take his 'girlish' actions. He had 6 sister's and a mother who 'fawned' over him. He was the only boy. (boy...as in 50 years old) I always thought i'd like to be with someone who was a 'clinger'. Always had distant, unemotional men. A clingy guy is NOT COOL. They don't come across as masculine. A big turn off.


So. You are turned off. Time to move on.

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He sounds overbearing and demanding and you should consider ending it. Moving too fast is often a red flag. Don't be pressured into this. Don't be wishy-washy asking for 'space' and 'breaks' and whatnot. Tell him you are not compatible/on the same page and therefore you need to end it.

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