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So lost about future - Study or Masters?

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I graduated in Computer Science engineering in the year 2014. I don't have a good resume since my academics is average. I applied for Master's but couldn't get into the universities I desired and after this I started searching for a job. I couldn't find a job anywhere for nearly an year because of my academics. All of this was due to my untreated anxiety and depression which I had for more than 3 years. I have finally started getting my treatment but I've still got to improve a lot, especially, my self-confidence.


I secured a 3 month internship program in Android App development in a pretty reputed company and I successfully completed it in December 2015. This is pretty much all I've done since 2014. I didn't feel comfortable being a programmer while I was doing my internship..I feel like it's not the right stream for me. I feel like I would suck being a programmer. I got a job in a startup as a developer now. I feel like I would be fired because of my poor programming skills. I realize all of this is due to my low confidence and I'm working on it already. A part of me tells me to take up this job, experiment my programming skills and another part of me to start studying again since I'm finally getting treated for my anxiety and depression. I wasn't be able to study or concentrate in my engineering days.


I have 2 options now:


1. Should I take up this job and work hard and find out whether I can be a developer?

2. Apply Master's in a different field ( I like Management Information Systems or Commerce) and start a new life in another country.


I've already wasted a year and I don't wish to waste any more time. What should I do?


Ps, I'm 24 years old.

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You are not doing so well because you lack experience. Most 24 year old are not going to be hotshots right out of college due to limited experience. You need to build it and learn from it. College isn't going to give you that. Work on that first.


Management Information Systems is good money, but you need to know what you are doing. A job will not only help you acquire skills and experience, but it is also a place to start networking for advance opportunities.


If I were you, I would work AND take part time masters classes at the same time (one or two classes a semester). Employers see that as a bonus.

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20-somethings loading up on academic accreditations without having pursued any practical experience are a dime a dozen. You don't want to be 26, 27 years old hitting the labor force with all but a three-month internship to show for your grand total work experience, graduate degree or no.

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Take the job, do the job, learn. Only way you are ever going to get good at something is by actually getting down and dirty and doing it. Nobody has ever won a race just by studying the mechanics of running, which is really all school is. At some point you have to put the shoes on and just run and realize that when you first pound the track, you are not going to be an instant star. It will take time and practice and more practice and then some more and just when you think you have enough....more practice.

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