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Freakishly light period could I be pregnant?


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Okay so this last month My boyfriend and j had unprotected sex and now my period came a week early and is very light. I usually have really heavy periods and lots of blood clots and it also usually very regular. A 28-29 day cycle. But this month it started about 5 days early and it's been super light and a bright red/pinkish color. I haven't used one pad or tampon and its been about 6 days now. Could I be pregnant or is it just a weird period?

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I could be terribly wrong, but I don't think your period comes if your pregnant... maybe spotting but that's about it.


It may not be her period though... just some spotting which is common in the first month of pregnancy. Best thing to do is buy a test and then she can stop speculating or relying on guesses from any of us.

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