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Established Contact With Ex But Now She Is Ignoring Me Again??

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Hey there,

I sent my EX a closure letter 5 months after the break up. Almost as soon as she read it, she replied, apologized for everything & then we started to text back & forth about things other than the break up. It was great, it felt like things used to be. I got busy so I said i'll talk to her later. She said "Alright! ". When I went to follow up the next day, she only replied with short answers & then eventually stopped responding completely.


What does this mean? Did the letter just get her caught up in her old feelings but the next day, she was over the breakup again?


I just want to know if I should text her again in a few weeks or just take this as a sign to give up?


Thank you!

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Definitely not something you should pursue. Obviously there is a connection there because of your past relationship, and it's human nature to want to keep in contact with individuals we felt a close bond to, but it's not always healthy or smart for either party. She has moved on, which is why the contact she has with you is not regular, and you need to move on and look to the next adventure and exciting relationship that will add hope and happiness to your life.

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