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Concerned about mom


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She's very wishy washy about her fiancé. I felt I needed to involve my brother. Either it's cold feet, or a cry for help. We had a red flag today. Obviously she's more familiar with him than I am. But I mentioned comments she has made, regarding him.


Told my brother I need his involvement, right now my mind may not be clear enough truthfully to differenciate. He needs to get to the bottom of her feelings. I want her happy, not pressured into a marriage for other reasons.


Involving him is a big deal. I'm nervous about it.

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Knowing noting else about you or your family, and broadly-speaking... I think your brother has a right to know what's going on in your mother's life. Whether he wants to get involved is his decision.


At the end of the day it's your mom's choice whether she asks for help if she needs it, so all you can do is maintain communication and make it clear that she has support to turn to.

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C'mOn, Jetta. When you don't have an immediate crisis to handle in your own life you need to meddle in someone else's?


Your Mom is perfectly capable of managing her own love life. Starting drama FOR her sounds like a roundabout method of sabotage to get yourself thrown out on your rear.


Quit that, and focus on what you need to do for your Self and your daughter.

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