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Gay crush on retail worker


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Basically I have a problem, I'm a gay guy who has a crush on a guy in my local retail store. He is absolutely gorgeous and just seems like a really nice guy.

I have a huge crush on him which i can't let go,

i have no idea of his name, if he's single or if he is even interested in guys, have barely spoke to him only when paying for things.

I have smiled at him a few times when I have been in there and he has smiled back, most probably just be be nice

its not that I even want to date him that much (I defiantly would given the opportunity,) I just wanna hang out with him more than anything


I 100% want to talk to him and get his number, i just don't know how to go about it without looking like a complete idiot

any advice is greatly appreciated

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First of all I applaud you for your openness towards your sexuality, a lot of people aren't comfortable talking to openly about it, even on a forum. Okay, so you say "retail" store, are you an employee or customer, what is the situation? I'm assuming you are a customer at the store he works at as you said you see him when paying for things(and not the other way around, cause you could get in trouble for asking out a customer regardless of your sexuality!).


I would give you the advice I would give anyone else. Why not just make the move?! Next time he is working go in his line intentionally. Then just ask "how would you like to go on a date with me sometime?". I wouldn't even make a thing out of it, just ask him out, period. So what, guys can do it to girls why not guys ask guys out in the same fashion? He's probably gonna be blindsighted at first, just say "look, I'm serious, I'm gay and I just wanted to take a shot at you, what do you say?". If he's also gay and single he might just enthusiastically say yes. If not, you tried. Don't be offended if he acts like a jerk or anything, unfortunately not everyone in the world accepts homosexuality yet but that doesn't mean you don't get to have a shot at love because of other ignorant people.


If you are not comfortable asking him out in the blue like that, you should write him a note/letter instead asking him out. Write him a note, tell him about yourself and you are interested in him. Hand it to him and say "Hey I know this is out of the blue but I wrote this letter for you, can you please read it?" I guarantee you he will, anyone would probably be curious.


I for one DON'T think you should befriend him or as him to "hang out". I give that advice regardless of sexuality because I think it gives the wrong impression/message. If you are interested in someone, why waste time playing games? Number two - BECAUSE of your sexuality, I would be cautious in that ground. Maybe not long term but at first with initial reaction this guy may get very upset/mad if you spent a bunch of time hanging out with him and then told him you were into him. I would prefer to know something like that early on. I really think you should just ask him out and be direct with what you want. Good luck.

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I think that anything that you do would come across as being a stalker. chi


Why would anything he do come across as being a stalker????? Because he's gay? If this were a man that liked a woman or vise versa would it be stalking? People ask retail store people out all the time, hell I did one even this year.


Just got for it man like my post above said OP. Ask the guy out, you got nothing to lose. Don't worry about what other people think!

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I'd go along with the note idea. Most straight blokes (at least in the UK where we're more reserved anyway!) are reluctant to "hit on" a girl because it could come across as stalkerish. Apart from the usual doubts about if they are in a relationship, a gay person also has the doubt that someone might not be gay. The note and a mobile number would send out the message "if you're gay, free and fancy me, I'd like to meet". I don't get hit on by gay blokes (maybe the wedding ring is a giveaway!) but if I was I would tell them it must have taken them a lot of courage.


Much as things for gay people are much better now than in the 1960s, we still have a long way to go before they are truly equal.

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I worked in retail for a while, and there was a guy that would come in every few weeks when we had a sale. One time, he struck up a conversation with me and at the end said, "You seem like a really interesting person, would you like to get dinner with me sometime?"


I declined because he was a little out of the age range I feel comfortable dating, but I was flattered and not creeped out. I'd go that route if I were you.

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First I'd get to know him enough to learn his name. Then add him to one of your social media accounts and get to know him that way a little more. Then it won't be so nerve wracking to get to know him or hangout in the future. I have a very close friend and he's gay and this is how he does it. My sister is gay as well. So your not the only one out there that's gay so don't ack like you are. I don't think you should tell him though right away. Because if he's straight he might get a little nervous himself.

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I think before sending him any little notes asking for his number etc, try and find out if he's gay - maybe ask some other colleagues who know him.


I wouldn't do this. It was very uncomfortable for me when I worked retail when people (straight man asking about me, a straight woman) would ask coworkers if I had a boyfriend, etc. Then the coworker would be "invested" - ie, speculating about that customer and why they asked etc, and sparking curiosity every time they were spotted. It also made me uncomfortable helping that customer the next time they came in. This person is on the job and if its not a job position that would naturally lend to conversation (they are a cashier and not a salesperson or someone on the floor), it would be hard to have a general conversation with them.

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