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I was with my ex for 7 years .. I found out he was cheating on me with a co worker for months last month. He was sad and come clean when i confronted him . He just wanted to hold me and of course I wouldn't let him . I couldn't stop crying and he would just look down. The worst is that I think he develop feelings for her because he gave her jewelry for mother day. She left her husband for some guy that ended up cheating on her and lost her kids. He told me the only reason he gave her that cause he felt bad for her. When I found out about her she had already cut him off cause he had a drinking problem and she didnt like it. He been sober for 2 months and i think now hes with her because I made the mistake of looking at her page and her default was of her wearing the necklace that i had found. He has contact on me only once this whole 2 months that we had been broken up just to asked how im doing. I told him it was hard to let go and he reply i know its hard but what I did was messed up. It just hurts so much how he can just let go so easily didnt even fight for us .

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I am sorry to hear this,Block him from contacting you. Keep yourself busy with friends and family. Go out. Flirt anything to forget him. Remember once they cheat once(as he did) chances greatly increase to cheat again. Never take a cheater back



If you haven't already deleted and blocked his facebook, do that now so you don't torment yourself with checking up on what he's doing.It does get easier. And you will meet someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. You've just got to keep going.

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