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Do I or Don't I?


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I am in my late teens and I was with my boyfriend for around about a year. We split up because I found out that he had been seeing another girl for 2 weeks before I found out. I confronted the girl and she and him both said nothing more happened other than meeting up and kissing but he was pushing for more although he denied this. When the accusations came about, he denied them for days and made out this girl was just trying to cause trouble, it was only when I met the girl and she showed me the evidence that he admitted to it. Around this time we had been arguing a lot more than usual for about a month and I'm wondering if this played a part in him seeking attention elsewhere as he said he just loved the attention, making me think because of the arguing I wasn't giving enough. Anyway we split up and now 6 months later we decided to meet up and talk about everything properly now that I've had time to forgive, I have come to terms with what he did and accept it, forgiven but never forgotten. We agreed to be friends but recently that has proven to be hard. What frustrates me is that we had the, not perfect because no relationship is but, as close as it can be. I believed we'd be together for so long and he treated me so well, he made and still does make me so happy every time I am around him. In the 6 months we have both dated other people but we both admitted that no one has been as special and made us as happy as we did each other. He is making such an effort to fight for me and has been amazing in trying to win me back, my family believe he is genuine and believe he was just a stupid teen who made a mistake, but can I believe that? my friends think I'm stupid but he was everything I wanted in someone and I am still in love with him. Still no person has ever made me feel so special and he does now when we're not even together. He is meant to be moving half way across the world for 3 years soon but says the one thing holding him back is me. Do I or don't I believe that he is genuine? If I choose not to try again I won't see him for 3 years and in that time everything could change and I don't want to live with regret knowing he is leaving and I hadn't made the right decision.

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He is meant to be moving half way across the world for 3 years soon but says the one thing holding him back is me. Do I or don't I believe that he is genuine? If I choose not to try again I won't see him for 3 years and in that time everything could change and I don't want to live with regret knowing he is leaving and I hadn't made the right decision.

Let him go. There is absolutely no, none, nada reason for the two of you to try and be monogamous (read celibate) for three years with the exception of a visit here or there. You've both got lots of dating experience ahead of you and if/when he returns and neither of you are committed to someone else, you can revisit things with one another then.


Don't hold yourself back waiting for him. Get out there and live and experience life and all it has to offer, which of course, includes other guys and how well (or not) you mesh with some of them).


Tell him that he should go on his journey and not hold himself back from his goal. You'll be sad for a bit but you'll get over him once you have accepted that he's gone and you've done the right thing.

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No matter what you say or do he's leaving for 3 years. So wish him well and agree to meet when he comes back. You guys are so young, you have no idea how much you are considering limiting yourself if you decide to "wait" for him. Move on, live your life, as will he, and enjoy what comes your way. The odds of the teen romance lasting a lifetime are slim to nil.

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