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I feel sick whenever I see him, and i don't know what to do

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We broke up...well i havent been counting, but maybe 3-5 months ago, and were together for almost a year. Maybe I shouldn't have such close ties with him, but I loved him, and still a piece of me does, and would want to get back together though I know thats not a good idea.


Anyway, we are both in the same high school, and I was close to healing, and forgetting, or being able to at least withstand the though of him at all. School holidays just ended, and today was the first day, he was there and I felt so sick, I felt like i could of thrown up right there, I didn't thank god but i definitely felt it.


I can't just avoid him, it's school...I tried to distract myself, but he passed by as soon as I started to feel better and the same thing happened, since then I haven't been able to get him out of my head, and i feel in an almost constant state of nausea because I just can't stop thinking about him.


Knowing me, by guessing it'd take a week for me to feel completely better again, but then I'd have to go to school and see him again...so it's a loop until im able to leave school, but right now the nausea and anxiety is almost unbearable


I more or less want to know how to deal with it, because I was so close to getting over him, so close and I feel like all that emotional work was for nothing...or now reset because i saw him. I know i have given little to work with...we aren't in the same class thankfully, but being in the same school is still a problem. I have tried distraction like i said, going somewhere else in my mind, even sleeping which worked the most, but only for a short amount of time. I just feel hopeless and have no idea what to do

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Foulilly, when my son was in high school, his heart was ripped out of him when the girl he loved from 8th grade came out as a lesbian. He let it control his life and stopped going to school because he couldn't stand to see her. I had no idea he was cutting classes. He didn't graduate with his class.


When I found out (much too late), he shrugged and asked what I could have done about it, what I could have done that would possibly help. This was my answer: I would have withdrawn you from school. Homeschool, high school online, or enrolling him in a community college. He shook his head and said, "I never thought of that".


And that's exactly why I'm going to suggest, if you can't concentrate and study, you talk with your parents about what you're going through. If they're understanding, they'll help you find a way to continue your education in an environment that works for you.


If you don't have supportive and understanding parents, then I suggest you make it your life's goal to make him eat his heart out. Reinvent yourself and become the one who got away. Develop new interests, take up a new hobby, take martial arts classes, learn to play the violin, or become a great photographer - do something interesting to become the absolutely most fascinating version of yourself. Live well and know this: You'll live to love again. I promise.

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"so it's a loop until im able to leave school"

- I don't think so.


We all go thru break ups and heart breaks.. but, it will ease off in time.

I had a couple of bf's thru school and of course, it hurt to see them over & over again.. but it does improve.

You just need to give it time.


next week you might feel like it's not so bad.. you just have to keep reminding yourself, it's done. That he is not worthy of your suffering anymore.

You WILL find some inner strength...


Break ups happen all the time and yes, they hurt. But, in time, the pain lessens.


One day at a time.

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