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enlightened minds-suicide


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i do not connect with people. and by that, i mean i dont even think that i want to. i am not only disgusted by what the human race has become, but am mortified by the fact that if i stay on this earth, i may become like them. Personally, the people in which i respect are the ones experiencing suicide and self-harm themselves, because they KNOW. their minds are open to everything. they are so much more in touch with reality than everyone else. in my opinion, once you have experienced that, you have found true enlightenment, and therefore are ready to take your life. i am ready to take my own.

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So you are fundamentally saying that people who understand the universe only see the negative and see nothing positive, no positive change and can't conceive of participating in a positive way? That seems like extremely flawed thinking. It sounds as if the people you respect are all in severe depressions and not getting any help and that you have decided to follow suit.

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Sadly there is no such thing as enlightenment. At least, not the way you describe it.


I'm really sorry that you're suffering, and I understand that the world we live in can be a horrible, ugly place. But like everything, it depends totally on your perspective. The world is also a stunningly beautiful place, with kind people, compassionate people that have integrity and people who are dedicated to positive change.


The human race has always had its share of evil, heartless, twisted human beings. The thing is, not everyone is like that. It depends on your perspective what you choose to see.


Get some help. There IS light at the end of the black tunnel of despair.

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I suspect most truly enlightened people use caps and commas when they type. Consider for a moment that you don't know everything and if you go through with it, you'll never realize that the human race is typically made up of good people. (Although some of them are kinda stupid.)

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