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YUP they are really getting married

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Long story short...


Dated a guy almost a year. (Don't lecture me on when to move in with someone, he wasn't suppose to it just happened because he was going to be leaving in 2 months for a year).


We lived together for a month. As far as I know that is when he started cheating on me with his now fiance. This was in December.


I found out from his friends he brought a new/different girl to lunch every day of the week because I used to live 2 hours away and only saw him weekends. He actually had 5 different dating sites each with a different story about him, like he was 5 different people.


Found out he was in another state with her New Years Eve, I broke it off and moved out. He acted like I was the other woman and I wasn't. He acted like I never existed.


He refused to see me so I had to go talk to him. I just wanted something of an answer and we ended up hooking up. So he cheats on me with her and cheated on her with me. That's bad.


So now yes it's rather official they are engaged (ring and everything) and getting married end of the week? He's military and going off somewhere for a year next week.

So he known her since December (bout 2 months), he cheated on her, and they are now getting married? I don't even know what to think about that.


Not my business I shouldn't care, I shouldn't want to know, I shouldn't question it... but I don't know whether to be upset, mad, angry, or happy.


At one point I'm like I dodged a bullet, another is was it absolutely nothing with me? What was it? I wasted so much time with someone who never wanted to be with me? But he acted like he did until I found out about his stupidity. I don't feel like I entirely got closure because he still lied to me when he saw me. I read somewhere that compulsive liars will never admit their lies.


I don't know maybe I thought I was okay and I hear this and feel like crap.


But valentines day causes all these engagement commercials everywhere so it's driving me stupid and one of his friends let it slipped he got engaged that's how I found out.


His friends have a big mouth, half think I'm the crazy EX GF. Don't even know how that happened.


But why does part of me want to send him an arrangement and say "congratulations". Why?

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Be.... nothing. He's your past and he treated you like dirt. He'll do the same thing to her and she's just too stupid to know it.


I know what I'm saying is not easy to do. It should be your end goal. Sever all ties, tell your friends (the ones that you interact with) that you want to hear nothing about him.


And heal on your own timeline without any concern about him and his poor soon-to-be ex-wife.

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That was my second thought to be honest. Count me weird. In December I had a dream he cheated and I met this woman and I wasn't mad. AND she was pregnant.


Then come to find, he cheated. So what's next? I mean he says he doesn't rush things etc. But maybe he really did find the one, although I don't believe that because he wouldn't have hooked up with me, ya know? So I really do think it's a pregnant thing.


That girl, I'm not a mean person, but she got to be a bit dumb. She stayed with a guy when she was the other woman and then stayed with him after I dumped him and then he cheated on her. So what's the real reason to stay with someone you ONLY KNOWN FOR A MONTH?


But I don't want to think anything. I don't want to have these thoughts. I want to not care. But what if she was the one who finally "changed" the tiger who couldn't change his stripes?

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I swear, men get married when the time is right - not the girl.

They can have the perf girl for them, but if they're in the process of establishing themselves, paying off debt, whatever... they can't commit.

When all their ducks in a row they think it's "time" & voila... Entre this stupid chick you're talking about.

It used to bother me, but not I think it's entertaining.

Also, I benefit greatly, haha.

I can *tell* when the timing is or isn't right with a guy so I know whether or not to invest my heart.

Don't take this personally.

They're marriage with end in 18 months.

Even if it doesn't, he'll wish it had.

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He's military he gets married and a HUGE increase in the paycheck. She can move to the country he's going to but the PCS will double in time. I don't know. He told me they had a lot in common and shared the same beliefs.


It's just I don't know what to think and maybe I shouldn't think anything. But it feels like I should feel something. Sometimes I do get upset and wonder what the HELL but I'm over him. It's just that I don't get why he did this and carried it on for so long and acted like he love me. Was it all a lie? I don't even know and I'll never know and maybe that's what gets to me.

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