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Guy tells me to leave him alone only to contact me later on


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I was dating this guy a few months ago but then he turned crazy, literally. Things would be good for a week then he would cause unnecessary drama then tell me to leave him alone only to contact me a week or two later. This has happened about three times now. But each time he would say he changed his mind and is still mad at me. The big and final blow up happened 2 months ago. I was on vacation and he told me to just get laid and forget about him. We haven't talked since but last week he sent me a text saying he was thinking about me. What's going on??

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What's going on? You said it yourself...he's crazy. It drives me nuts when people make excuses for the guys they are with..."I really like him, he's a great guy when he's not beating me" and such. If a person is a wonderful human being only half the time, and the other half he's making you suffer...how are you able to just overlook the bad half? Accept this guy is unstable and be glad you dodged a bullet. You can never logically explain crazy.

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