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( He ) is really half my age


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We have been together about 3 months This man really loves me and I love him,.I do not feel the age difference at all we seem to be fine together. I have been married twice and have three children. he has not been married and has no children. Mt 2 boy's are within his age range and in the beginning they were very upset with me but have calmed down and only say that they don't want me hurt.What are your thoughts on this? I will be forever gratefull to hear your response.

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Hmmmm. I know they say love conquers all and I am a big fan of age-gap relationships but I feel this may end in heartbreak for you. The math involved here is just too brutal. Since you are planning on relocating, perhaps this can just be a wonderful fling that you just enjoy during its time and the happiness that it provides for the moment.


To examine this as a potential marriage and to look ahead through the years, several challenges quickly become evident. Maybe you and he could be one of the rare exceptions but I echo your sons' feelings. If he suddenly snaps to the fact that you will be 80 when he is 50, it could be big shock to the relationship.


My advice is to go for it and enjoy it. But stay very very aware of the nearly 30 year age spread. I would give this same advice if the genders were reversed and it was an older guy with a much younger woman. Make this New Year's a great one, this is a very special situation you are enjoying !!

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Be extremely careful here... there are tons of middle aged con men preying on older women to love them up then one day leave and steal all their money and assets. That could be in the form of getting you to combine finances then stealing your money, or just stealing your identity and credit card numbers and running up a large number of charges on your billl then disappearing.


I hope you are not giving him any money or assets. If he is a true love, he will not try to mooch off you nor be the least bit interested in your money or assets nor in borrowing any money nor in using your credits cards or living off you.


And if i were 70 and he 40, i would do a serious background check to make sure he is who he says he is and not a con man before believing it is true love. Con men know that older women frequently have savings and/or assets and are lonely and hence easier marks to be manipulated and steal from. And many are too embarassed to admit to police that they got conned out of money by a younger man, so the con escapes scot free.

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Thank you so much for your input .I do realize the gap and in a way I am gratefull that I am 800 miles away from him. As I mentioned earlier the last thing I wanted was a new relationship.Missing him is so very painfull ....... life does go on.

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I would say, so long as you're sure he's not a con artist, go for it! I just ended a relationship with a guy 17 yrs my junior (I'm 43), but I think that's a whole different ball of wax. Guys in their 20s are just...challenging! My ex had communication issues. Wouldn't really talk to me about things but bottled them up, then it would come out in some mean words or a temper tantrum. I am sticking with men closer to my own age from now on.


Oh Sean, you look so good, Thank's for responding to me. I will remember your exact words however I really do not ever want to tie another knot.A meaning full relationship would be very nice. Again, thank's
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My husband is 38 and I am 55....we met at a convention 9 years ago and it was like sparks at first site. I had been divorced the year before and had NO intentions of any kind of relationship but HE initiated it. Two years later we were married and we are celebrating 7 wonderful years (so far! ) on Valentines Day this year. There was some rumblings from friends and family on both sides but we are very happy. I am not saying it always works, but it doesnt always mean it cant either. Some men LIKE older women because they are tired of younger women and drama. Older women have gotten through that and concentrate more on what's important in a relationship than what is just important to them. Anyway that is my story and its sticking to me!

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