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Another straw on the "To Formula of Not" debate...


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How about that... I'm sure the Breastfeed Bandwagon will grow under light of this discovery - regardless of how the two are connected.


I note the 4-20-2010 date on it though...I wonder what has happened with this research...


I doubt your link will be taken very seriously considering where it has been taken from... it's not exactly a reliable source.

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The headline: Substance Found in Breast Milk Kills 40 Types of Cancer Cells


The conclusion from the studies page Furthermore, HAMLET binding alters the morphology of the membrane and compromises its integrity, suggesting that membrane perturbation could be an initial step in inducing cell death.



Regardless of the newspapers reputation, I usually find that newspaper science isn't.


Besides, it mentions nothing about any abilities to reduce the risk of cancer, only that the substance appears able to induce cell death.

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It's another way to push breastfeeding. While people do acknowlege breastfeeding is GENERALLY best, not always the case. Yet women are often attacked because they don't or can't do it. Many of the studies that state breastfeeding is best have been proven exaggerated. For example, the one about the IQ test had been debunked because generally speaking women with higher IQs tend to breastfeed because they often have jobs that give them maternity leave. Poor women don't often get paid leave and in many cases being poor is tied to IQ.


Personally I will likely bottlefeed, or do a combo pumping. I am very uncomfortable about nursing in public and don't like the idea of dad not being able to feed the baby. There have been several generations that bottlefed and they all turned out great. I was bottlefed and so was my brother and he's a doctor. Neither one of us had serious health issues and we were never obese. Even though two generations were mostly bottlefed there is this war against formula. Everyday I read some false study stating that formula causes cancer, death, diabetes, low IQ, etc. If formula was as bad as that, don't you think it would be off the market? Yet the breastfeeding nuts would have you believe this is so. They've caused more trouble than good because many of them managed to push breastfeeding as the only way in hospitals, getting hospitals to remove formula from newborn baby gift bags, even not showing new parents how to bottlefed in hospitals because "breast is best". Not to mention the cases I know where they were brutal to non nursing moms.


Plus coming from Fox I suspect it's another way for them to attack moms. I believe they also had a "study" that claimed stay at home moms were better than working moms. If it was up to them all mothers would be at home because they are a bunch of chauvinists.


Women should be allowed to bottlefeed if they choose and not attacked for not breastfeeding. I've known women who were against it but tried io to appease the lactation consultants in the hospitals and hated it even more because they were pressured.

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I attacked myself for not being able to breastfeed in the first 10 days and then, when it was too risky to continue because of a medical condition I suffered from, to be honest I felt partially relieved- it was physically and emotionally painful, stressful and depressing not to have the milk coming in for those 10 days-I felt so pressured. One of my dear friends gave me an article explaining that the pressure on women to breastfeed is misplaced and wrong. That helped a little. Thank goodness my son thrived on formula and got at least some colostrum and breast milk those first 10 days. No one attacked me for my choice. I have heard of people being rude about what a mom chooses to do but it didn't happen to me and many of my friends breast fed.

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There are many who are rude no matter what way one choses to do it unfortunately. I personally was attacked by family members but not friends. I had no one stand up for me either when my choice was attacked. The only person that supported by choice was my mother.


Women who choose to breast feed get attacked too, but many say they never see it. I have never seen one stood up for but I have seen bottle feeding choices stood up for and very virulently.

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There are many benefits to consider for both ways.


Mind you no one says one peep when a breast feeding mother gets hassled.


To be honest I've never seen that happen. Unless you mean when people are rude when she's breastfeeding and they ask her to cover up. Like I mentioned, I don't like seeing a mom breastfeed where I can see the breast but when it's covered I have no problem with it. That's the only time I've seen nursing moms attacked. I've seen bottlefeeding parents get attacked far more than nursing moms.

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To be honest I've never seen that happen. Unless you mean when people are rude when she's breastfeeding and they ask her to cover up. Like I mentioned, I don't like seeing a mom breastfeed where I can see the breast but when it's covered I have no problem with it. That's the only time I've seen nursing moms attacked. I've seen bottlefeeding parents get attacked far more than nursing moms.


Well we both have different experiences to be sure.


Mind you it is a little different to be personally attacked and to feel vicariously attacked because something happened to a friend or neighbour. People find it is a whole different ball game when they get attacked over something they do for their own child than when it is something compared to a friend being insulted.

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The headline: Substance Found in Breast Milk Kills 40 Types of Cancer Cells


The conclusion from the studies page Furthermore, HAMLET binding alters the morphology of the membrane and compromises its integrity, suggesting that membrane perturbation could be an initial step in inducing cell death.



Regardless of the newspapers reputation, I usually find that newspaper science isn't.


Besides, it mentions nothing about any abilities to reduce the risk of cancer, only that the substance appears able to induce cell death.


I myself found that interesting, and I wonder where and how the media came to this conclusion. Mind you, the media isn't vey creative, so I'm feeling there's a second article between the study and the article, the one Fox stole their article from, to bring this to their headlines. I don't enjoy it when my newspapers become a real "whodunit" murder investigation, but...le sigh, welcome to life! luckily we have more resources available to us than ever before!

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Your first observation is precisely how I read the article the first time through - as with all fanatics on either side of the fence, any little evidence is a HUGE deal.


As for your second observation about stay at home moms being better mothers than working moms, well...it's true if the mother is good with her kids and not playing WoW the entire time she's sitting there. My mom was practically stay at home but that was because she and my father were beekeepers, so we travelled together as necessary. If you don't think it makes a difference, well, take into conserdation that it is a 1 in 10 chance for a first generation college child to complete a 4 year degree, and a second 1 in 10 for a child below the poverty level to attain a four year degree, and now take into consideration that not only did I make two degrees, but my next three brothers and sister have all achieved a degree as well. No drugs, no pregnancies, no children yet...Someone did something right!!


Me personally, I think the BIG difference is being there with your kid regardless of where it comes from. You can't replace your presence.

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Sure, but why does it need to be the mother and why does it need to be any parent at home full time? That is overplayed and I know lots of lazy stay at home parents. Just because a parent works doesn't mean they aren't there. I will say though that I do think it's important for PARENTS not to work as hard when the kids are small. What I mean is too many work 70+ hours and that it a problem. I hope that if I have kids both me and the dad work 40 hours or so, and not much more.

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Something forms in the first couple yeras - you might say its the "egg chick - mother hen" syndrome. Later in life, that child is more likely to listen to the person who was most present in the formative years, and if that person is mother, well, there's a relationship there that goes a long ways. I learned patience from my mother, for instance...dunno the full ins and outs, but that's where I got it. Who know how many other things too.


Solely Staying at Home, though, is obviously not the end all be all - because as you said, and I said, if all the parent does is sit around on WoW or ENA all day, well, it'd be better if the kids was in day care and the mom was at work.


Ultimately, I'd bet the stay at home parent will later in life be the "Good Cop" in the relationship...only because of that initial bonding experience, but then that'd probably depend on gender and sex too.

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Everyone is going to say something different.


Honestly, I have no problems with breast feeding as long as your boobs aren't out in public. If you simply MUST feed your baby in public, you can pump, or use a blanket to cover the baby and your chest (NO BOOB SHOWING), or go into a bathroom, sit in a stall, and do it there.


My mom always went into a bathroom to feed me in private. I've heard horror stories of these nasty (nasty in terms of rudeness, not looks) women who simply MUST whip out their boobs in plain site to breast feed. I find that very rude and intrusive, forcing people to look at your breasts (which are normally covered) when you can easily cover up and not be a jerk about it.


That is my one pet peeve with breast feeding but as long as a mother doesn't do that and I don't have to see saggy boobs (or any sort of boobs) when I'm out in a restaurant trying to eat, then I don't care.

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I get so irritated when men (not you, in general) will make comments like "the mom is the better parent" etc. What if the mom makes much more than the dad, should she have to give up her career? Not saying you're saying this, just something I've seen from guys and it frustrates me.

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The pressure to breast feed is huge and mis placed. I'm 23 weeks and feel it from every direction, from medical people, friends and family- EVERYONE seems to have an opinion on it and no one is afraid to voice it. I am planning on breast feeding for 3 months. Some people think thats great- others feel they have the right to quiz me about why I'm not doing 6 months. But what everyone forgets is that I may not be able to at all, however much I want to.


The only opinion of breast feeding I have is that it feels very natural, and it helps you to lose the baby weight, the rest of it goes over my head because I know too many bright, healthy, intelligent, happy babies and adults that were bought up on formula to believe it. I also feel that 3 months is plenty- all the immune enhancing properties are passed on by then...and maybe it IS selfish but my baby is going to have been physically feeding off my body for a year by then and I want some freedom back to eat what I want and have a glass of wine without worrying about it!! I'll also be going back to work at this stage- so want to have baby on formula by then, although I'll be expressing as well.


As for mothers nursing in public without covering up- doesn't bother me at all, although I'm very modest in myself and would be very covered up, I don't find itdifficult to go about my day without looking! What I DO find strange and uncomfortable is mothers that go on and on nursing and you see 3,4,5 year olds still breast feeding- that doesn't seem right!

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Wow everyone is so critical of breast feeding mothers and yet they say they have never seen anyone be critical. That leaves me confused for sure. I know some breast feeding mothers on this site have been driven off these threads because they feel the criticism is not worth it. I will take a page from their book. I really do not care which way one chooses to feed their baby.


I do think though that things should be equal. If a breast feeding mother should be made to go sit in a stinky dirty public bathroom stall to feed her baby because it makes people uncomfortable then so should bottle feeding mothers because that makes some people uncomfortable too. What is fair is fair.

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Wow everyone is so critical of breast feeding mothers and yet they say they have never seen anyone be critical. That leaves me confused for sure. I know some breast feeding mothers on this site have been driven off these threads because they feel the criticism is not worth it. I will take a page from their book. I really do not care which way one chooses to feed their baby.


I do think though that things should be equal. If a breast feeding mother should be made to go sit in a stinky dirty public bathroom stall to feed her baby because it makes people uncomfortable then so should bottle feeding mothers because that makes some people uncomfortable too. What is fair is fair.


I also don't care how anyone chooses to feed their baby. I will probably be formula feeding due to a breast reduction, and I am okay with that. Given the absolute choice, I probably would have chosen to BF for a few months, but I do not think it will work out for me and I am not willing to do interventions in order to make that happen. I will formula feed my child and he will be just wonderful.


I agree that it is ridiculous to expect a mother to go and sit in a bathroom stall to feed their child, while a formula feeding mom sits out on a park bench. We don't need to punish the mom for feeding her own child! People are only going to be as modest as they want to be, and what makes a person uncomfortable is subjective. Hell, in some countries, it makes people uncomfortable to see a woman's hair! I personally have never really seen a woman pull out both of her breasts and flaunt herself, I'd think that would kind of be the minority. Personally, I can think of a lot worse things than seeing a boob that would make me uncomfortable with a parent and child, like a mother refusing to feed her child at all. Just my opinion.

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Wow everyone is so critical of breast feeding mothers and yet they say they have never seen anyone be critical. That leaves me confused for sure. I know some breast feeding mothers on this site have been driven off these threads because they feel the criticism is not worth it. I will take a page from their book. I really do not care which way one chooses to feed their baby.


I do think though that things should be equal. If a breast feeding mother should be made to go sit in a stinky dirty public bathroom stall to feed her baby because it makes people uncomfortable then so should bottle feeding mothers because that makes some people uncomfortable too. What is fair is fair.


My mother did and never complained.


It has nothing to do with being "against" breast feeding. If you're going to do something that exposes a part of your body that is considered "private", then either cover up or go to a private place.


Mothers who breast feed and don't even bother to cover up or go to a private place are rude attention seekers with some sort of voyeurism deal. It's not that hard to take a blanket or towel and cover it up. It's just nasty. They enjooy that attention. I mean cmon....they start screaming "why can't I whip out my boobs??? Why are you offended??" A simple blanket would solve that problem. See? Attention seekers. Normal women are considerate.


Whipping out your boobs will offend someone. You can't compare it to whipping out a bottle.

If it's blurred out on TV, you shouldn't be flaunting it. Just a good rule.

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