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"Facts about facebook and break ups"

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Have you ever wondered when people break up? Look at the graph below.

I watched a TED talk the other day from David McCandless called “The beauty of data visualizations“. It was quite amazing and included lots of different datasets. One of them was about Facebook and breakups. David and his team scanned over 10 000 status-updates and set out to learn more about when people broke up. This is what they learned:


•A big peak right before Spring Break

•Most breakups are announced on Mondays

•People like to start the summer being single

•A big peak right before Christmas

•The lowest day throughout the whole year is Christmas Day (thank God)

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I saw this on CNN and I found it quite interesting!


Come to think of it, I see a lot of break-ups here at college before spring break, which I always thought it was odd because some people (like me) go see our boyfriends/girlfriends on Spring break instead of going out to party. I stay at his house. But I guess that's not the case for everyone!


I can see wanting to start the summer single and I could definitely see people breaking up before the Holidays. Those are some really stressful times there.


The one you didn't mention though was RIGHT after Valentine's Day. Isn't that interesting?

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Just before Christmas - no present buying.


The article actually mentioning that...couple weeks before Christmas is the MAJOR gift buying period and also there's a peak in break-ups. Hmm!!


"My boyfriend wants this expensive new . No can do! Good bye!"


(ok maybe not that simple)

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