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My dad hit me


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My dad has always been emotionally + physically abusive. I witnessed him hit my mom and us a lot of times when we were younger. The last time he hit me was when I was 16. It was for something very stupid, and I moved like a week later.


Living on my own was too hard and I came back a few months later. He hadn't touched me since today. My sister *was* being a huge brat and he started slapping her over the head really hard, though she did deserve punishment - NOT to that extreme. I told him to stop and out of nowhere his palm kind of pushed my face (like a hard slap I guess) and it made my nose bleed. I pushed him really hard and I said "come on, you wanna fight you piece of and he just backed away and started throwing stuff etc.


I really thought he was done with all the physical abuse but I guess not. The next time he decides to lay a hand on me, I will beat the living stuffing out of him. I'm not afraid to fight him. But I shouldn't be hit.


I still live under his roof, so I don't know what I should do.

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How about you move out?


So your father hit you? My father used to hit me all the time as a kid, and it doesn't bother me.


The problem with children nowdays is they don't get proper discipline enough. That's why we have so many spoilt brats. Not saying you're a brat but just saying, being hit on the head is no big deal.

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How about you move out?


So your father hit you? My father used to hit me all the time as a kid, and it doesn't bother me.


The problem with children nowdays is they don't get proper discipline enough. That's why we have so many spoilt brats. Not saying you're a brat but just saying, being hit on the head is no big deal.


Are you serious? While I agree she should move out, the rest of what you wrote.....


She has witnessed her Dad hit her mother, younger sister and he injured her enough to make her nose bleed. This is a huge deal and should not be taken lightly. Being hit on the head can cause injuries.

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Sadly, that isn't an option. He makes the most money.


What is worse, being poor or having your sister suffer emotional trauma from an abusive father? I understand the need for money, but in the end it's only money, and it isn't worth letting him get away with a crime.


I would say consider your sister, she can't protect herself, so will you protect her?

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I'm so sorry this happened. Family violence is so upsetting. Do you think he is open to change? There are family violence programs where he (and the rest of your family if needed) could get some counselling.



Great that it doesn't bother you but this is physical abuse, not regular discipline, and it bothers most people.

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How about you move out?


So your father hit you? My father used to hit me all the time as a kid, and it doesn't bother me.


The problem with children nowdays is they don't get proper discipline enough. That's why we have so many spoilt brats. Not saying you're a brat but just saying, being hit on the head is no big deal.


NO ONE deserves to be hit much less causing blood.


OP call child services you do NOT need to put up with this. It is abuse.

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Are you serious? While I agree she should move out, the rest of what you wrote.....


She has witnessed her Dad hit her mother, younger sister and he injured her enough to make her nose bleed. This is a huge deal and should not be taken lightly. Being hit on the head can cause injuries.


Yeah I'm serious. I'm not saying it's okay to bust someone's nose open. I do think some children deserve a hiding from their parents.

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unfortunately you know he probably is not going to change. Can you and your sister move out and get your own place? (assuming your sister is older like you). I know it will be hard to make ends meet, but still it might be better to deal with money issues then abuse issues. However it is good you are sticking up for yourself.


as for Fantastic... Discipline is one thing. Abuse is completely different. I love when I see parents out and they take their kids and whack them and say don't hit! what a mixed message.

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I will agree to disagree.


Well good luck with that.


To the OP I say you probably should move out. That's really the best course of action. You are an adult so you can't count on child protective services to do anything. And police action is pointless if your mother isn't going to go all the way with it and get a protective order, kick him out, etc.


Is your sister older or younger? If she's younger then that is a problem which cps could maybe help with. If she's your age or older then I think the two of you should pool your money and get out together.

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I'd say if you can't move out and he lays a hand on you the next time, beat the living crap out of him.


That will teach him to leave you alone.


I seriously doubt she will be able to beat the crap out of her father. Unless he is old and decrepit and she is a super strong woman he is still a male and probably stronger than her, and even trying to do something like that would really anger him since it is obvious he has a temper and she could get REALLY hurt.


The best thing to do, IMHO, is move out since you are now an adult. If you were under age I would advise differently. IF your sister is under age and you feel she is in possible danger than you might want to consider calling CPS.

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How about you move out?


So your father hit you? My father used to hit me all the time as a kid, and it doesn't bother me.


The problem with children nowdays is they don't get proper discipline enough. That's why we have so many spoilt brats. Not saying you're a brat but just saying, being hit on the head is no big deal.


It is a sad misconception that "discipline" is only created by hitting. Hitting serves NO purpose whatsoever. Discipline is much better created in other ways. This however was not "discipline" as you term it. It is abuse.

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How about you move out?


So your father hit you? My father used to hit me all the time as a kid, and it doesn't bother me.


The problem with children nowdays is they don't get proper discipline enough. That's why we have so many spoilt brats. Not saying you're a brat but just saying, being hit on the head is no big deal.


Proper disipline does not include physical violence, and being hit on the head IS a big deal. Have you ever witnessed a child on life support from being physically beaten? It's not a pretty sight.


OP...If you're sister is younger than you, the right and honorable thing to do is report this to "CPS." I'm sorry that you're also being treated in this way, and you need to talk to them, since this is a serious matter.


Take care...

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Call the police, domestic violence will land him in a LOT of trouble QUICKLY. You need to protect your family.


Here is the slight problem with this. She is of legal age already to live on her own where she's from. When the police come they will not look at this as an innocent child being slapped around helplessly by a big parent but rather as a physical altercation between two adults. He'll say he pushed her and that she pushed him back, they may give him a hard time about it, but ultimately they will tell her to just leave the house because it is technically his house and so if she chooses to stay she will be in a very tight spot. If he ever hits her again the cops will come again and they will ask her why she's still living there despite the abuse. On one hand she (an adult) is claiming repetative abuse but she's not doing anything to remove herself from the situation and still lives there. Bottom line cops will cause him some slight problems and she will have to leave the residence.

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My parents both hit me when I was younger. I used to stand there next to the telephone and threaten to call police. Sorry to hear about this Leighton.


I used to watch my parents hit each other quite a lot actually. They have been together 40 years now. I have no idea if I am scarred or not - I certainly would never hit a woman, never have, never will - I am sure of that. Best thing was to move out, I have a great relationship with my parents now, I wasn't an easy kid but now that we have this distance we get on very well. Wish I could say more.

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I agree with this. I don't condone his actions and don't think anyone has to tolerate being hit in any manner, but if she is an adult of legal age the police will expect that she remove herself from a bad situation if she reports it. If she does report it she should also be prepared to move because if it happens again and she calls it won't be a case of a minor child or a spouse, it will be an adult living in the home and the police will say to her to move...and yea it will come down to he said/she said he might say she shoved first or something.


It will likely get pretty ugly.


The main concern would be if the sister is a minor and can't leave.

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Proper disipline does not include physical violence, and being hit on the head IS a big deal. Have you ever witnessed a child on life support from being physically beaten? It's not a pretty sight.



I didn't say it's okay to beat children, I said it's okay for a parent to clip a child round the head. it's big difference.

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I didn't say it's okay to beat children, I said it's okay for a parent to clip a child round the head. it's big difference.


Hitting your daughter in the face and causing her to bleed when she only stepped in to tell you to stop is not discipline. It's an act fueled by anger and the OP did nothing wrong.


OP, have you talked to your mother about this. Maybe a lot more goes on behind closed doors than you realize.

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