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Being brown sucks

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Im going to be completely serious and uncensored about this post im about to make. Mother natures diversity is beautiful, but being brown in our world/society is like being the scum of the earth. When youre brown you are either a latino or the mexican who is a dumb physical laborer and the rest of the ignorant sterotypes, or your a muslim/arab who will terrorize people. People think like that and it sucks. NO ONE can deny this because you know that a majority of people think like this or almost all and im talking deep inside.

Let them think. How is thinking going to hurt you? Prove them wrong. My father was brown. During a time when racism existed in the army (Vietnam) he was promoted to seargent. After being honorably discharged with metals and plaques up the ying yang, he worked in a photolab. His lighter shaded boss made him manager in no time. After that company moved to another country, dad moved to another photolab where again, he rose to the higher ranks and his white boss promoted him to manager. That company merged with another company and plenty of whites were shown the door, but not my dad's black ass. No, he was a manager yet again. His last job, he became manager in less than 6 months. All while being brown, maybe a hint of chestnut. With a full beard no less!


So all of these brown dumb unskilled laborers you speak of, that's their fault. If someone has that impression of you when they first see you, if they think that, show them otherwise. Earn their respect if you have to, just like my father did. Did the whites he worked with think he was nothing but a brown man? Probably, but I doubt it since they all told me at his funeral that he was one of the wisest leaders they knew.


My dad was not an exception to the rule. If he thought like you did and acted like it was the gospel, he never would've been a manager and gave his son a perfect life. Oh sure we all have those doubts. Racism exists from all colors.


So go on and keep feeling sorry for yourself. I am sure there are less deserving lighter skinned people who will get the greatness you were destined for, just because they are closer to their soap's color than you are.

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You also are blaming alot on the colour of your skin, but as people keep saying, skin colour does not matter, this can be shown by the many successful people of ethnic minority, even if there was only one successful "coloured" person then that would prove your idea of your skin colour holding you back wrong, if one person can make it so can another, this is about your attitude and not the colour of your skin.

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I'm white but I do know it can be hard. My son is bi-racial and well even being seen with him was hard sometimes. Mostly because no one ever thought he was my son, or I was his mother. Age maybe and color perhaps. It puts you on defensive.


I will say studying business is a good idea, there are opportunities for non-white people in business. Racism exists, it's ingrained, I still say I'm racist in some ways and I'm the mother of a brown child myself.


The family loves you and wants what is best. If you can find a college that is more diverse go for that college. It might benefit you. No matter what color you are there are things we all face. Really you just have to put blinders on to racism, stop seeing it so clearly. See people as people, even parents make mistakes, but are often wiser than you think at the same time.


Don't give up on life pursuits just because of your color.


*no way did I read the entire scope of posts. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

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Awww, I'm so sorry for your pain.

Have you considered attending a college that has majority African American students? It might help.


I can't imagine how hard it must be living with a family that looks nothing like you.


I think that maybe you just need to get in touch with your ethnic roots.


I completely empathize with you, I really do.


I was raised in a diverse environment (well, it's not completely diverse, there aren't many people of my ethnicity around). However my parents made sure I was always surrounded by my own ethnic group. And taught me the beauty of my culture.


As a result I've always loved who I am, in regards to my ethnic background. I feel very comfortable being me.


Also, my parents always discussed issues such as racism against our culture.


So, I grew up expecting certain groups of people to be racist. It's so normal to me.


Understanding the ways of the world has made me a better person. It has helped me to love people, you know? So if someone makes a racist comment, it doesn't bother me much at all. And I'm able to still be friends with them, and have relationships with them, because to a certain degree most people are unaware that what they are saying is racist.


Okay, for example. I have a friend, who is drop dead gorgeous right. She's fair skined, tall and just out right beautiful.

She works in corporate america, and secretly hates being there because of all of the racists comments and behaviors she has to endure.


We both grew up in the same city however, I was more sheltered. I was home-schooled, and every child at the school was African-American just like me. We were taught about our own beautiful history. And every month we learned about other cultures (in addition to our own), ate their ethnic foods, etc.


So, I have no problem being around people of different ethnicities. And the misunderstandings some people may have bother me at all.

And because of that. I'm able to have wonderful relationships with people of all different ethnicities, because I don't really hold it against them you know? And they appreciate it in the long run. And then you come to see beautiful people really are at heart.


And when you don't focus on such things, I really think that you won't encounter much of it.


You know? Because a lot of people I know seem to have lots of problems when it comes to racism.


Like my friend, she is a lighter complexion than I am, and she seems to encounter more issues in regards to racism.


I barely have problems with race. I just don't have to deal with it much. I think that when you are an open person, you tend to attract more open people.

Like if you appreciate different ethnicities, you tend to attract people who appreciate your ethnicity.


And because I've been taught about the ways of the world, my few encounters with racists people don't phase me.


Since you were the only "brown" person in your home, I'm guessing your parents didn't feel the need to educate you on the fact that there is racism in the world. I think because they are unaffected by it for the most part, they didn't see it as being necessary for the development of your self-esteem.


Anywho, I think that maybe you just need a little encouragement and R&R.


Anywho, I think that you should go somewhere, where you are embraced for who you are. Somewhere, where race isn't at all an issue, because everyone looks like you. Some place where you can talk about your feelings and be understood, without fear of judgement.


I thinkt that what you really need.


Good luck, I hope you feel better.


Just remember that you are valuble, and have something beautiful to offer the world. And that your uniqueness will be a blessing to someone else.

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I am new to this site and I must say something here.


I was born and raised in the South. I had a black Nannie when I was little, mainly because my mother was drunk (read my post). Anyway, she basically raised me and I asked her why her skin was a different color than mine. I was very, very young. I remember I had my head on her lap. She explained to me about how Indians skin was this color, how people from China had skin color different, how people from Mexico had skin color that color, etc. From her love and explanations I grew to understand "color".


How you could be ashamed of your color - I do not not understand. You come from a heritage so great. I believe if you took the time to explore your heritage and learn the history of "where you came from" you would be proud to be the person of color you are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what you are feelings. It is fine and dandy to say "Oh I love being brown because I don't have to tan blah blah" but deep down I wish I was white too. It isn't that I hate myself it's just that I see more advantage with it. For once, I wouldn't have to hear stupid racist jokes about being a * * * * * * * or something to do with tacos (since that is the only food Hispanic people eat apparently). I wouldn't be so ashamed to say where I am from. My pimpled wouldn't turn to really dark brown spots. Idk...I agree it has to do a lot with the society we live in. Even the black models or Hispanic models LOOK white. They are like Barbie's friend. They may be different colors but they still have the pretty skinny nose with slim thighs..

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