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Is there such a thing as night sickness?

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Ok so I'm not saying I'm pregnant or anything (although it could be a possibility) - I'm more or less just wondering if normal morning sickness common in pregnancy can also happen at night. I wonder because for the past 2 weeks I've been getting sick on and off...for no apparent reason. My food intake and what I've been eating has not changed...if I was suffering from food poisoning I'd think it would have gone away by now - and not get better and then get worse again. I'm not asking for theories if I'm pregnant or not - I just want to know if anyone's experienced morning sickness any time other than morning

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Morning sickness is a complete misnomer. It can occur morning, afternoon and night and some people are unlucky enough to basically experience 24hrs a day.


I think the only reason it gets called morning sickness is that it often is common when you first wake up and haven't eaten for a while.

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Ummm I had 'morning' sickness 24 hours a day for the full 9 months, during both my pregnancies. I have vomited on every street corner, every set of traffic lights (real funny when you've stopped your car at the lights, open your door and puke). Horrible, horrible, horrible

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OMG that's awful...I hope that doesn't happen to me...I've been in serious pain though for 2 hours now...and it's been a few hours every night for 2 weeks...so hopefully it won't get much worse than that!



What do you mean by 'pain' Jennster? Do you mean feeling nauseous or serious pain

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Well...for me any kind of discomfort is pain hahaha...I'm a wimp. I know I am only nauseous - but it's so bad that I can't sit still....I get hot and then cold...and sometimes when I'm trying to sleep my tummy would feel so tight I can't breathe in as deep...that's what I meant...it's not an actual pain - just REALLY strong discomfort.

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Well...for me any kind of discomfort is pain hahaha...I'm a wimp. I know I am only nauseous - but it's so bad that I can't sit still....I get hot and then cold...and sometimes when I'm trying to sleep my tummy would feel so tight I can't breathe in as deep...that's what I meant...it's not an actual pain - just REALLY strong discomfort.


Oh good....because I was a little worried you meant actual pain!!


Maybe you should see a doc. How long has this been going on for?

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Oh I will be getting a test on Friday. I am only 1 day late on my period...it was supposed to come today. I'm on the pill and have been for almost a year and I'm always on time with it...but not this month I haven't had too much stress this month...not more than any other month so I'm not sure. I'm gonna give it a few more days before I jump to any conclusions. It's just this combined with my sickness of the past 2 weeks is making me think...

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The others are right, the HCG hormone that comes with pregnancy is the naughty little culprit behind morning sickness, and those levels are elevated for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy so that is generally why women are more sick the first trimester, but it can happen 24 hours a day and also extend beyond the first trimester- in which case you should talk to your doctor about it.


It seems to be worse in the morning as Melrich said, before the woman gets up and has something to eat.


Why not take a pregnacy test at home to get an idea before heading to the doctor? Most tests can detect the HCG hormone as early as the day of a missed period or even before.


Would pregnancy be something you are prepared for?

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As others pointed out "morning sickness" is really a misleading term. Often you MAY feel more sick in the morning before you have eaten anything, but you can feel ill at ANY time, or all the time! Since it is caused by the hormones (HCG) which are present through the day, it can happen at anytime.


It varies from pregnancy to pregnancy too. My mum had HORRIBLE nausea with me, however very little with my siblings.


Anyway, take a test. You may also be feeling this way as you have not been taking pill regularly. When you don't do that, your hormones are all over the place and can cause you to feel pretty awful. It's not abnormal you would be late either if you haven't been taking them well, as you are not getting the signal that your body should go into it's withdrawal bleed as it usually would. When you come OFF the pill it can take months for your cycle to regulate, so skipping or not taking them correctly can do the same thing. A lot of women coming off the pill report they FEEL pregnant, even though they aren't.


It would also seem a bit off that you would be feeling morning sickness already too, for two weeks before you missed your period, since it takes time for the egg to implant (up to a week) and then for hormones to build up to start causing morning sickness. If you got pregnant like right away at the beginning of your cycle it is is possible...but as I said, usually symptoms take a little longer and you would of had to build up the hormones for it.


Why have you not been taking your pills correctly? Even one missed pill can cause pregnancy, so I am concerned that you aren't able to take them correctly.


Take a test as soon as possible, just to know what you are dealing with.

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OK all - thanks for the advice but there's no need to take a test cause good ol' Aunt Flow came today...a day late...which is really weird...but it's here....so now I've gotta figure out why I'm getting sick so often...at any rate I'm seeing my doctor for a wrist issue and I'll bring it up then.


BTW - I do take my pills correctly. I've only missed one once and that was months ago and it was only the sugar pill...but as far as recently I've been right on track

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