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:S :S :S help

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i kno this hasnt really got much to do with jealousy but i really need help. me and my boyfriend are both in the last yer of high school and are approaching our gcse exams in just over a week. over the last couple of weeks my boyfriend has been skiving a lot of school and spending time with his friends. im worried because we are so close to our exams and hes planning to skive a lot of next week too. when he skives he smokes and drinks and he knows that i dont agree with that. hes not that intelligent and isn predicted very good grades and says that there is no point coming to school when hes going to fail anyway. hes mates are a real bad influence but i dont want him thinking i am controlling him if i aproach him about this. has any1 got any suggestions about what i could do?

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It's really good that you care so much about him.


Unfortunately, at this stage he is not going to listen to you. And even if he did, a few weeks is not going to be enough to change his lifestyle and catch up on all the stuff he's missed.


He is only about 16 or so, so he will have chances later in life to realise that some things are worth working for, but for now I fear you will have to let him make his own mistakes. Seems like he's given up on this round of exams. Fair enough...for my first set of A Levels, I did the same. It was up to me to try again, and try harder.


You could attempt one Serious Talk with him and explain you don't want to be nagging, but you want him to pass, so maybe he should think about revision..but leave it at that, he knows he should be working anyway, so theres little point, to be honest.

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