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Alone & depressed.. I feel like no one understands me.


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As the days and the weeks past. I just find myself lonelier and more sad than I was the day before. Nothing makes sense anymore and I'm just bored with life. Nothing interests me and I'm annoyed with people.Everybody just has this ignorance to them about one thing or the other, personally I feel to me. Like it seems like all of my life, I've either been double crossed by friends,friends disappearing,lack of support or attention from my family about things.I'm always overlooked about everything, never too cute to get a date,not interesting enough to make a friend. I'm always overlooked for everything and I just lack attention from people. I don't care to make friends or whatever because I really want to be alone most of the time. Alot of times, I just spend my day soaking in the house.


I'm conflicted, sometimes I can be fine being alone & sometimes it really makes me sad and it gets to me. I like to make something out of my life but I feel like everything I do is not good enough. I'm never satisfied with what I did or what I've done. It was like this in school, I was always the weird guy to people. People didn't like me, I wasn't an all flat out nerd, but I was just quiet and different and I guess people looked at me differently because of it.I tried my best to try to fit in with people but it didn't work. I tried being the class clown, I tried to be popular and I tried to be more social and outgoing, but it still led me to lonely Friday nights. I was never invited to parties or just invited to go anywhere with friends.


So it's not matter what I do, it doesn't seem like I'll ever be happy & this worries me. I'm so frustrated tonight because I know,that tonight there are people out there having fun & everything is just looking so great for them, but I don't know... I'm lost I guess.. Sometimes I break down & cry because of this..

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I think everyone feels like this at one time or another but it does and will pass. Inevitably something small will happen and the knock on effect will cause big things to happen and this in turn will change your life. I'ts the way it goes so take each day at a time and keep an eye out for the small thing and keep in mind the bigger picture.

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We all feel lonely, especially when it seems like we have on friends to hang out with and we just spend lonely nights alone. That doesn't have to be you. Maybe go to events where you can socialize, like a club, bar, or any any social event. Do you have any friends at all? Do things that make you interested and have fun. It's important that just because your different, does not mean you still can't make friends. You are unique; remember that.

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  • 4 years later...

I feel that allot, though I have friends...

I know they will be there for me if they even noticed me sad but I keep what i go though for myself.

If you want a friends advice, here we go...burry it under a lovable hobby, at least thats what I do...

Im 13 year old so im in middle school, i know what you feel, when i was younger, a child, i was being hurt physically and mentally by classmates. I would be thrown on the floor and they would be kicking me while im crying, I know how it feels being hated. When i told them that i want to be an artist (I draw) they laughed and said that im a dreamer with no goals in life, believe me, i know how it feels being different.

But now that changed, i discovered that when i was younger i wasn't letting the problems go and ignore them...

Now im only being myself, carefree and scream out-loud, that what makes me unique, when people laugh at me, i laugh and smiled and said "I dont care!" (I seriously did it)

Now everyone in the school want to be my friend, though I dont think of myself as the popular girl, i think I already am. I act with everyone the same, nerds are exactly the similar with the kids athletics, actually i think that our school has became different after i came up, now there are no groups in school and emo people started talking and getting out of their loneliness...i got out of my loneliness...i care no more...i really dont not even about myself

Do you know what, I care about others, before i was waiting for friends which by the way never came but now im the one who go and make friends with how needs me...as i always say: Dont wait for the knight...be the knight

If you looked closely you will know that happiness is so easy to catch...you know why...because you make happiness come true...you are the maker and happines is the object

Its so easy...

I also have a theory...I noticed about artists that they always hard to understand, i mean artists from all kinds, singer, musicians, you know...it also included me (Take Eminem as example and picaso and inishtien)(SP?)

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