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ok.. im new to this

im misery12 brother.


im just wondering how much pot.. is too much?

I smoke weed a few times each weekend.. sometimes i skip weekends if i dont have a chance too. i never do it alone, only with friends.


i have done some research and it tells me that they tested on monkeys and such.. and after many tests, lung/brain damage only occurs after much more THC levels is taken in, than average. like 200 x

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i play soccer now because of summer, but is it stil okay if i smoke weed occasionally. i dont abuse it.. and never do it during the week.. ever.


when i do it.. i never smoke a whole gram to myself either.


please help

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I had my days when I smoked alot of marijuana. Me and my friends would buy a gram of hydro and smoke ourselves stupid. We only did it on weekends and such. I don't smoke anymore because when I was smoking it made me feel lazy and I would get bad headaches. I also felt it was polluting my body, that and eating twinkies and nacho cheese doritos at 2 in the monring didn't do much good either.


It also made me feel stupid and my ambitions went down. I enjoy myself much more now that I don't smoke. Take my advice, smoking isn't that great.

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You should go to the website I posted.


link removed and go to the myths section.


Read from there.. I have.


all of these effects only happen if you do a lot more than normal.. A lot, and with frequent usage.


What's frequent.. weekends?


I am only 17. I will stop sooner or later, and I have only done it for a year or less. i've played soccer before, and they've never tested me.. and all of my teammates do it a lot more than I do.

Smoking kills braincells too... is it illegal? No.. because the government has control over who produces it.

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alright thanks a lot.

I didn't come here to debate, I came here to seek the truth.


thanks for taking your time to research this.. I think I will stop for a while, as long as possible. It's really hard at my age not running into these things, but I am very emotionally/mentally strong, so I don't crumble under peer pressure.


I don't do it to fit in or anything, but I enjoy the times when I am high.

I do it only occasionally and plan to cut back more and more over time.

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I think "too much" would be an appropriate assumption when it starts taking control of your life, if you start noticing any other substantial changes, or if it your habit starts changing your personality.


I'm not going to give you a lecture. I've smoked pot and it's really not that bad unless you binge on it for an entire night or smoke it regularly. No matter what anyone tells you, you're going to do what you want and what you see as being reasonable. As long as you don't start puffing away every day I think it's easily kept under control and won't seriously affect you.


Alcohol is worse than marijuana in my life experience. I've never known someone to smoke a joint and get in their car and kill someone, or to start fights or get themselves sick and poison themselves. Most of the occasional pot-smokers I know are quite content to have a few puffs and play video games. The ones I know who smoke all the time though, come accross as burnouts who can rarely hold an intelligent conversation. It's all about moderation and being responsible. If you're smart and mature enough, it shouldn't be an issue.

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Yeah, I agree totally!

I never do it to the point where I am stumbling around, we're always responsible and NEVER drive, we just sit and watch a movie or something.


And we rarely do it, and I know my boundaries, and I stick to them.

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Smoking kills braincells too... is it illegal? No.. because the government has control over who produces i


This is not a valid argument for how much marijuana smoke is safe for you, The answer is none. Every joint you smoke damages the cilia in your lungs, which filter out debris and keep your airways clean. They also clear out mucous and secretions that prevent a breeding ground for URI's and pneumonia.


Don't be stupid, Knock it off, it's all bad for you.

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Ksk the fact that is illegial is a bad reason to presume it is really harmful


No I am not saying that because the fact that it's illegal it's harmful, am was giving multiple reasons to give it up, and being illegal is one of them.

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Yes almost anything that is over used it not good for you, such as the things that you have mentioned. But he didn't come on here asking for advise on what to do about inhaling polution or eating too much McDonalds, he asked about pot which I personally find disgusting and I hope that he will stop for his health. If someone came on here and asked about eating too much McDonalds I would give them the same advise, that they should stop because it's not good for their health.


If there are so many things in this world that can cause you harm why would you subject yourself to more harm?

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I personally don't do pot. I did it twice in my whole life.

It was 'okay.'

I always say if I am gonna ever decide to be a junkee I want it to at least be cocaine so I can gtet the cool hole through the nose and have lot's of energy. However you have to admit those things I mention probably do far less damage. Besides, so long as it doesn't deform your body, why not? As fredrick the great said, who wants to live forever?

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Pot isn't really that bad for you. Fast food kills more than pot ever will.


Another invalid argument. We are not talking about comparing pot with other harmful substances. We are talking about a safe amount of pot to smoke.


Marijuana is damaging to you, whether you like to think so or not. The fact that is is illegal is irrelevant. The fact that fast food is bad for you is also irrelevant.


It does kill brain cells, each time you smoke, it does damage cilia in your lungs, if used enough it can lead to chronic upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, cause emphysema, chronic obsructive pulmonary disease, and cancer. Have you ever looked at the inside of a bong? That black, tarry resin also accumulates in your lungs. Not to mention that it alters your ability to think properly, have a reasonable reaction time to anything, including if you are driving.


It's just a bad idea all around.

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Hope you would have to injest high amounts of pot over many man MANY years to get the conditions which you have mentioned - no one I am aware of who that has happened to.

VERY few people like to be stoned everyday (and they are quite a pathetic bunch indeed).

This isn't about what I WANT to think. I have never been a pot head and have taken a total of three drags off it in my ENTIRE life. I am simply not drawn to addictive substances -- outside soda pop.

I was arguing kskm's point that it is illegial thereforeeee must be harmful -- which she already explained what she meant.

Nobody ever seems to die from pot and if they are driving while on it, that is a totally diff issue.

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Hope wrote

if used enough it can lead to chronic upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, cause emphysema, chronic obsructive pulmonary disease, and cancer.


As you can see I have mentioned in my previous post that more frequent use is what causes these particular problems.


However, scientific medical studies have proven that each time you smoke, brain cells are damaged and killed, which are not replaced. Each time you smoke, you damage cilia and compromise your airways by allowing debris from the air to contaminate your lungs.


I am in nursing school, and have read these various case studies. We have discussed them in class. This is not an anti drug program that is trying to convince us not to smoke. We are being taught medically what it does to you. I like you, enjoyed the occasional smoke in the past.


However, the answer still holds true that no amount of marijuana smoke is safe for you, each time you smoke it is harmful.


I don't believe anywhere in my previous post does it say that I say this was about what you wanted to think. It's a medical fact.

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That is interesting you say it is a medical fact. Yes these things cause the problems you have mentioned however ---

(I have done my own research on it cuz drugs are interesting and yes I took a little non matriculated premed bio for the fun of it after i received my degree)

-- the length of time it takes is supposed to still be somewhat of a mystery and the fact that 'almost' no one smokes it every day except for a very select few group of people would make instances of serious side effects take FOREVER. My mom is a RN and always barks about how bad pot is yet even she can't mention a case in all her thirty years where someone was serious hurt from it. It is a recreational drug. How many documented cases of respitory failure or cancer from pot have you seen?

It as legal in Alaska from like 74-78. The reason why they outlawed it again had NOTHING to do with any serious effects it had on the user. They outlawed it because it was causing driving problems that increased the amount of car wrecks.

My point: I don't use it and never liked it. Using it twice doesn't exactly count as a history of it. I tend to find a large number of pot heads irritating because they are lazy and irresponsible and have no ambition. However used in moderation once a week or so it definitely isn't going to hurt you unless you drive while on it.

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Oy .. let's not judge. Sometimes when I read posts like this, I feel as if my actions are being judged indirectly. If they have legalized medicinal pot, can it really be that satanic? The day when the government starts legalizing crack, I would start judging.


What are a couple of brain cells here and there? I don't have an extensive amount of information on this subject, but I'm pretty sure that brain cells have the ability to repair themselves, especially when they've only been moderately 'tampered' with.


I'm not advocating drug use, but I've smoked pot here and there since I was a teenager, and I've still managed to get a degree and lead a normal, happy life (I stopped years ago though). Alcohol is legal (which I've also had my share of), and I've found the affects even worse and more harmful to my body.


Abuse of ANY substance is going to be harmful. It's when you can enjoy something from time to time, avoiding dependence or attachment, then what's really the huge deal?

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