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My sister does not see me as romantic

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I am a very romantic with girls, but my sister seems to think that I am only into girls for sex. Even though I am very romantic, and sex is of little value to me. I am a virgin. But my sister thinks I only use girls for sex, and that I don't appreciate thier inner beauty. FOr me, I don't really care about how attractive or unattractive a girl is because I find all girls attractive. I look at the inner qualities. BUt my sister thinks that I am only in sex. She once asked me what clothing "turns me on". NO clothes turn me on. I only want to have sex with a girl I love. Passionate love is what turns me on. And I appreciate the beauty found in all girls, but my sister keeps insisting that I only like girls who are good looking. WHy is this? I can't understand this? I have never used girls for sex. I am a virgin. I just don't understand why my sister seesms me this way.

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How would your sister know how you feel about matters like this? Sounds to me as if she has some issues of her own that she is projecting on to you. What is important is what you know about yourself and how you treat women, not what she thinks she knows.

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If you are sure you don't, then don't worry so much about what your sister thinks. Perhaps she is jaded, or wonders why you end up with the girls you do. Perhaps she is jealous of the woman you date and their beauty so thinks you must only be with them FOR that.


I think as long as YOU know that you are not in it for sex alone and have your own values and morals that you regard as important you should not worry too much about what your sister is saying - you are the one having the relationships, not her, and so you know what you feel better than she does.

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I'm missing something here. Why does your sister's opinion bother you so much? Is she an older sister who is responsible for you? Is she sabotaging your relationships by telling the girls that your a sexaholic? Is she younger than you and looking to follow in your footsteps, so you are afraid of her getting the wrong message?

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yeah.... ditto to what everyone else said... why do you care what your sister thinks of your sex life? I wouldn't even consider talking to my older brother about those things. Ick.


Obviously, she's not part of your romantic life, like some of your exes, so why would she have a good basis for making observations such as those?


Is something else going on between you and your sis? Is she jealous that you are more popular than her? Does she feel like she's the black sheep of the family? It seems to me that something else is going on here....

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I think that she is jealous and is sabotaging the relationships that you have because she is too insecure to find some guy that likes her the way that you seem to like women that you are dating.


When she talks -- instead of arguing, just look at her. Let her have her ideas, soon she will paint herself into a corner, then you can tip toe out the other side.



She wants to have her little fantacies about how the world works, so let her. See how much happiness that (little) idea of men will bring her.

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