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i think i mite be gay. i like girls, but i like guys too. my best friend in the whole world thinks im gay, half of my school thinks im gay, idunno if ive just thot this after being told it by my peers for so long, or if i really am. im scared to be gay though, cuz from what ive seen, read, and heard, a lot of baggage comes with it. i dunno if i can deal with those things, but i dunno if i can keep up this charade anymore. someone please help me.

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It's true that there are a lot of people that might make things hard for you...but also, you need to be who you are. Yes, there will be hard spots...but, what's life if you live a lie? I'm glad to hear it went okay with your friend. Just be true to yourself, and, best of luck to you.


Take Care.

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I just came out to one of my closest friends about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't too worried about it because I had met her friend who is a lesbian a few years ago and my friend whom I told is my most open-minded friend. She was very supportive and even told me that she sort of already knew. I wonder how many of my other friends sort of already know.


So I know that having someone to confide in whom is already a friend can be very empowering!

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There is nothing wrong with being a gay. Gays are humans also. They deserve respects and humanity.


Some people are initially sexually attracted to both sexes. But after all, they tend to shift or drift to a certain sex they are comfortable with and more attracted to. You need not be so hangup by what they say, or how you feel. Let nature takes its course.

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I guess deep down I have always known I was a lesbian, but I denied it for yrs. I recently came out to my best friends. I will tell you that living a lie is not easy.....it puts alot of presure on you to be something ur not.


You may be worried about being accepted......who do u want to accept you?????? You have to first accept ur self and love u for who u r!!!!!! once u have done that, the next step will be clear......there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian. At the end of the day everybody wants to be loved and accepted....but loved by whom???? accepted by whom????


Be true to urself...be one whith urself.....get connected to ur truth ....everything will fall into place at the right time.


good luck

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Right! Always remember you don't have to try to be anything one way or the other. Just let yourself fully feel whatever you feel and don't worry about the labels. You are YOU-- people will either respect that, or you just have to say to hell with them and their stupid opinions. Good luck!

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