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We Finally Met Offline

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Ok I finally met a guy (call him B) offline last weekend. I'm not sure how things went, it's the first time I ever met someone offline before. It felt weird, He did most of the talking while I answered a few questions here and there. I was really shy so I guess that's why I didn't say much. I don't think that there was any chemistry there. But He wants to meet again I said ok. He said even if we turn out as friends or something more. At the end of the day when he was leaving he asked if I was chatting to any other people online and I told him yes I was. He sounded a little disappointed and said that he wasn't. But looking back at our conversations online, he doesn't come accross as very playful, he seems very straight down the line he jokes but not like I do with this other guy. This other guy (call him D) makes me laugh so hard it hurts. Now we're in the process of setting up a place to meet. I feel like I have more in common with D. I've told him things that I wouldn't even dream of telling B I don't know why but D seems to know where I'm coming from.


What I'm asking is should I meet up with B again or should we just stay online friends?. And is it ok to meet with D, even though I agreed to meet with B again?. And is ok to ask B what he is expecting from me?.


Sorry alot of question, I'm feeling a little confused about what to do.


Thanks for anyone's help in advance.

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Absolutely. It's perfectly OK to see more than one person. It's not like you're exclusive with any of them yet. Sounds like you like D a lot more so go for it! Don't ignore the possibility with B though. He could still at least become a friend. Also, don't get attached to D too quickly either. Remember that there are people out there who are very deceptive online. He could turn out to be someone completely different than you imagined. He could be a lot different in person. So just watch out for yourself that's all. Good luck!

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Go with what your heart says. If you don't feel any connection to B, don't lead him on. I know he may say friendship, but because he also said, "or further" I think he's interested in you romantically. I think that many of my mistakes in dating have been made when my gut said, "no, not this guy" but my head was like, "oh - let's give him a chance!" I should have gone with the gut.


Def go out with D. He sounds like fun.


Good luck!!!

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It already sounds like you know what you should do and you are looking for reassurance. Learn to trust yourself, unless you have a history of making bad decisions.


I guess I am looking for reassurance. I'm not usually one to make a bad decision but the whole dating thing is new to me and I'm unsure of what to do.





Go with what your heart says. If you don't feel any connection to B, don't lead him on. I know he may say friendship, but because he also said, "or further" I think he's interested in you romantically. I think that many of my mistakes in dating have been made when my gut said, "no, not this guy" but my head was like, "oh - let's give him a chance!" I should have gone with the gut.


What you said is exactly what I'm feeling/thinking at the moment. I said that there was no connection there but it could have been because I was so nervous that I didn't really give it a go. See this is when the " let's give him a chance" comes into play. And I could see him as a friend, but if he wants something more. I don't know what to do. Thanks again for your advice.

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I think that you should go with your gut, and from what you've said... seems like D is a better match. Also, I agree with a previous poster when they said that it might be better to just not lead B on (because although he says to be friends, he also said "or further" which leads me to believe he's interested in you romantically).


I think you know what you should do... good luck

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