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  1. I'm so sorry for everything. I know you're hurting, and I'm hurting too. But it's time for us both to move on. It's been almost six months and we need to go our separate ways and start sorting our lives out alone. Trust me, it hurts me. At least you have the friendship group – not me. From now on it'll be me, alone, every weekend, with nothing to look forward to because you can't deal with seeing me out with our friends without you hanging on my arm. So I'll go. I'll just go.
  2. Jesus you're gonna make a great mum! Trust me, you've got it all right Keep fighting for her!
  3. Well, I'd say 'shame you don't live closer or you could come round and stay with me' and he'd text back 'yes, shame'. Then I'd text him asking him to go on MSN and he doesn't reply or go on MSN. So I'm confused. One day he's asking me to see me, then when I suggest something he says he's busy. Really weird.
  4. This guy I've met seems so nice when I'm with him, he's amazing. Funny, sensitive and really caring. But when I text him he either doesn't text back or fobs me off somehow. I'm very confused. Sometimes he's really into me, and then the next moment he doesn't seem to care anymore. Would it be best to cut my losses and go? Or is he trying to play hard to get? I don't want to get all freaky and possessive on him, I'm trying to leave him alone but I'm worried, I don't know what I've done wrong because he says I'm gorgeous and he really likes me. Very confused here, please give me some advice!
  5. Thanks everyone, The thing is, about a year ago he decided he way gay, and then he was straight again...now suddenly he's gay again and I still harbour hopes for reconciliation! Even though he's gay!! I saw him today and it really hurt. I hated him for being so cool about it! Silly really. But I do love him, and I need to get over him. He's an arrogant loser anyway, I know that, he really does believe he's fabulous, when he's stuck in a dead-end job going no where. Still...I do love him very much regardless of what he is. I'm going to have fun and find myself a nice, heterosexual man that will appreciate me, because I don't think I'm a bad person.
  6. My boyfriend tells me he's gay, he's slept with three of my best friends and doesn't love me anymore. This was 17 days ago. I saw him today for the first time and he's going out with a man, wearing an "I love you" ring and looking really happy with his life. I feel so awful. So depressed. I don't know what to do, my life feels so worthless without him. Tonight I'm going out with some friends clubbing, to try and have some fun, but I still feel awful. Anything I can do?
  7. Hey there, Two weeks ago my boyfriend told me that he'd slept with three of my best friends (two being male) and that he was gay. He wanted nothing more to do with me. I was so upset, cutting myself, on anti-depressants, couldn't see the point of life without him and my friends. Well..it's two weeks down the line already, and I'm feeling so much better. I met up with him for a coffee a week ago and all he did was hurt me, which gave me the resolve to keep on going without him. We haven't spoken since, but he has left messages on my phone saying he's worried about me, he'd like to be my friend (because his other friends don't want him anymore) etc. I haven't replied to any of these messages, he's not worth it. Basically what I'm trying to say is, I met him just like you met your ex, and things were awful, he made me cry buckets and I felt so stupid!! But I'm really doing ok now, it does get easier and a lot quicker than you think it's going to. I'm still single, still thinking of him, but no longer want any part of him. Please hang on in there and it will get better, promise. x
  8. 5 days ago my boyfriend of 2 years tells me he's gay, doesn't love me, find me attractive and wants out of the relationship, but still wants to be my friend. At the time, I wanted to be his friend too, support him through coming out and everything. A day later (Wednesday) I found out that he'd actually been cheating on me, and is planning to have a relationship with this man that he's met on the internet. I cannot describe my feelings on this but I will try: angry, hurt, confused, hopeful (that he isn't gay), heart-broken, disgusted (at the cheating) and absolutely shattered. I can't help hoping that he isn't gay and will want me back, as this has happened before. But at the same time I'm not sure if I could go back even if he wasn't me. Anyway, on that Wednesday I told him I wanted no contact, and I haven't called him or spoken to him since. I have filled my time with college work, ice-skating, seeing friends, seeing men that are interested in me, reading and watching films. I've spoken to my college counsellor, my parents and all my friends. Everyone is sticking by me, helping me, but I feel so lost. I got into Royal Holloway University, something that has been a dream for me my ENTIRE life. I was thrilled, yet even that didn't really cheer me up. I don't want to wallow in my own misery, I want to get out and have fun and stop thinking about this man that has hurt me so much, as he's not worth my feelings, but I just don't know how to get over him. The no contact is working, yet I still hope he's going to call, hope I'm going to see him for him to decide he wants me. No one else seriously thinks he's gay, everyone still thinks there is a chance for us, but that doesn't help either. False hope is killing me. I have come very close to throwing myself out a window, this guy was my complete and utter other-half. Yet I have so much to look forward to in my life. Everything reminds me of him, getting into Uni just made me realise I couldn't share that joy with him. So basically, how do I stop these tears and start enjoying my life again? Does anyone have any tips to get over people? I'm destroying myself by being so miserable, and I just want to get better. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone, I love his family almost more than my own. I was in his life so much, and now he's rejected me. Please help x
  9. Well, the new guy didn't accept that you were talking to other men, so to be honest, unless you want to be in a relationship with someone that won't allow you to talk to 50% of the population, I'd run if I were you!
  10. Thanks everyone, especially hosswhispera! I do need some space, I just don't want him to feel like I'm disgusted with him or ashamed of him because I'm not. He's been depressed for a long time, and I'm glad he's finally been able to admit everything to me. But it's a load for me to deal with, and part of me DOES not want to see him again, but the other (bigger) part, doesn't want this to be it.
  11. It's crazy, I love him with all my heart. Because I love him I just want him to be happy, and if being gay makes him happy, because that's who he is then that's fine. But I'm having a really hard time dealing with this, after a two year relationship and he comes out with this. I've told him I need a little space to get my head round everything, to sort things out, and then I'll definitely be his friend. But I can't accept it and be his friend immediately, I'm still very much sexually attracted to him and it hurts so much knowing all that's at an end. Do you think I was right to ask for a little space? He accepted it completely.
  12. My boyfriend told me today that he was gay. It hurt. I'm confused and upset. I accepted it, and was nice to him, told him it didn't matter. I think he appreciated that, but I feel so lost, so lonely. I need him so much, but he's gay, he doesn't even find me attractive. Oh god...please help me, what do I do???
  13. Tell her, if she likes you enough then she'll stay. Otherwise, it's best she goes!
  14. Hi everyone, My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and up until a month ago we've been fine. Then he got a new job which takes up a lot of his time and as he is awake ALL night he gets very little sleep. Coupled with this he is clinically depressed. Recently he hasn't called me when he said he would, when I work overtime to wait for him (I work there too) he simply leaves and doesn't see me anyway, he never invites me round, when I see him he's off with me, like I've done something wrong. Today I went to see him at work and he was with me for five minutes on his lunch break before he said he needed some alone time to listen to depressing music. I went, and he said he'd call me later. I don't know why he didn't call, maybe he fell asleep. But the thing is, it's getting impossible to have a relationship with him now he's so tired, depressed, and really doesn't seem to want me around. I love him so much, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He broke up with me about three months ago, said he didn't love me anymore, but we went back out only a few days after he said that, because he said he'd "changed his mind". But he hasn't given me any reason to believe he has actually changed his mind. I'm so confused. Sometimes I think there's someone else, I know there's a girl where he works that he likes, but maybe I'm just being paranoid, and if I am, then why should I be in a relationship where I'm paranoid all the time? I don't know, I know I should "stick by him" during this low time for him, but it's getting me down, getting me worried and I myself have other things going on in my life that he doesn't care about at all. I've tried to help him, but he just says I can't. When I've tried talking to him about all this, literally spilling everything out, telling him the way I feel, once I'm finished talking he says something like 'Can you make me a cup of tea?" or "pass the remote", like he doesn't care at all. Please help me, would I be making the right decision to leave him, or would it be better to wait around until he gets better, or won't he? Thank you ever so much to whoever and everyone that replies!
  15. I must say I'm attracted to bigger guys, but my boyfriend is SOOOOOOOOOOO thin!!! It doesn't matter to me because I love him and even though all his bones dig into me, his personality shines through!
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