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  1. I watched Yes Man the other day - I thought it was pretty funny & thought maybe I should live that way....lol What's the last movie you watched & did you like it?
  2. OK...Her is my advice, if you like this guy and you seem like you guys really get along, I think you should tell him how you feel. You said you don't see him outside of school and talk online. School is out now so, tell him!! You can also wait till him and his gf break up but, that could be in a long time and maybe by then you won't be interested anymore. Who knows! So, I would tell him if I was in your situation. Just my advice, hopes it helps at least alittle.
  3. Ok, I feel like you are talking about my ex boyfriend.......Key word EX BOYFRIEND...He is emotionally abusing you and you don't deserve that. I was alittle different in my relationship though, I put up with it for awhile and then fought back and made fights worse and worse. I don't know how long you have been with this guy but I was with my ex for 3 longggggg years and I am emotionally destroyed by all this now. My advice to you is get rid of him. If you can't do that....talk to him try to make him understand what he is doing to you. I did that and it worked for awhile but, things went back to "normal" again after some time. If you talk to him and he does not change please leave him. This is really unhealty for you. If you need anyone to talk to about this PM me. Good Luck
  4. I usually wait a few days.....I would give this girl a few more days and if she doesn't call, give her a call but if he doesn't call back after the second time you called then I would say it's safe to say she's not interseted. But to answer your question....I personally wait a few days maybe even a week before I call the guy. Hope that helps
  5. I was kind of in a similar situation as you but my boyfriend was an alcholic and went to rehab, got out, started again, went back in, came out and so far so good I think (don't know not with him anymore) Anyway, I did EVERYTHING for this man.....same as you, he was unemployed, paid to get his license etc...he went to virginia for awhile and I was left by myself, I was heartbroken cause after everything I did, he leaves to find himself??? He does come back eventually and only wants to be with me but, what I realized is he really never changed and the only reason I think I was with him was because I wanted to change him and make him a better person. No one can change an addict. From my experience from going to see him at these rehabs visiting, crack addicts themselves told me that I am lucky he is only an alcholic because it takes a lifetime to over come crack. Saw girlfriends and wives in there that have been with these guys for 5-10yrs and still have hope they will stop. Honesty I think you are too good for this guy, money is disappearing, I think you should just let him go and move on if that is possible. I know it's hard I have been there but, I was dealing with it for 3 years and was able to move on. Hope this helped at least alittle! Good Luck
  6. Yeah I agree with Justaguy 100 percent... the best thing you can do right now is just be her friend. She might get back with her ex just because they have a long history together and supposely he changed or whatever but, eventually she will realize why they broke up in the first place and with you still there as a friend, will help her a lot. She knows you want a relationship with her because you let her know a few times right? If she was ready for a new relationship she wouldn't have hesitated and took your offer already. I honesty don't think she is ready for a new relationship, she probably still has a lot of mixed emotions about her old relationship and you wouldn't want those emotions going into your new relationship. Rebound is never a good thing. Just be her friend right now, she knows you want to be with her and if and when she is ready I'm sure she will let you know. Good Luck
  7. hey, When I went to high school my best friend went to a different school. I thought we wouldn't be best friends anymore and surprisely enough I met a lot of new people to hang out with and so did she, she introduced me to her new friends and I introduced her to my new friends. It actually turned out for the better. You might feel left out right now but, once you start your new school you won't. Believe me!
  8. It depends on the girl...everyone is different...some people want long relationship others would just prefer sex without any strings attached. Are you worried that your gf doesn't want to be in the relationship with you or what? If that is what you are worried about...you should ask her.
  9. bananajuice ......wow can you be anymore rude lol I don't think you should get your hopes up with this girl. She told you straight out she has a boyfriend and not to get the wrong idea. She's probably just a flirt/tease whatever you want to call her but, I think you should just be friends and see what happens from there.
  10. Never been in this situation but, honestly I don't think talking to the ex wife will help. If anything I think talking to the daughter would be much more helpful. I have seen this happen before with a friend of mine. Her dad started dating a woman and her mom would tell her horrible things all the time. She was 13 at the time but, her father did not stop dating this woman and kept bringing her around. The longer they were together I think the easier it became for her. She eventually became really close friends with her new step-mother. I think as long as your boyfriend, spends the same exact amount of time with his daughter that he did when you guys weren't together, she will realize you aren't that horrible person her mother says you are. He has be able to live his life too and let his daughter know he will never leave her. I think he is giving his daughter too much control over his life. He's the parent she isn't! So, what I think here is you guys should have kept dating, talk to his daughter everytime you see her to reinsure her that you are not taking away her daddy. Eventually she would come around. Good luck and let me know how it turns out!
  11. Like you said you never know until you try.....Just do it. Seems like you have nothing to lose, only to gain. Good Luck
  12. I'm not a guy but, I just have one thing to say.........Regardless of what will happen to him during the divorce, it's not the babys fault!!! An aboration will only get rid of his problem for now but, will start other problems....maybe between you and him, your emotional feeling if you really want this baby....you will regret it FOREVER! Don't kill an incense baby over money or whatever. I'm not here to judge but, that will not solve your problem. To me it does not seem like you have a problem at all...you are having a baby with the man you love...what is the problem??? You asked if he will hold it against you and the baby later on, I don't know the answer to that but, if he does then he's not worth it. I hope I have helped alittle at least. Please don't make a decision over a unborn child over a divorce or money issues. If you want the baby......keep it dont' let him talk you into anything else. Good Luck
  13. Yeah awesome book....get it!! I recommend it. I didnt' get to read the whole book because I borrowed it from someone but, what I did get a chance to read, I loved. Planning on getting it soon.
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