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  1. I wish I had joined this site and seen that post abuot a year ago when I made my own stupid mistake. But my love, thank whatever g-ds may be, was willing to forgive and trust me not to hurt him the way I had before.
  2. It was I Who was gifted with the rose Blooming and vibrant Its silken petals soothing to the soul Fragrance a potion for the heart The very simplicity of its beauty Causing Mother Nature's head To turn in awe This lovely piece of life Burrowed against me Bestowing upon me its love, Devotion, comfort, and strength Putting its very self into my hands No where near perfect But perfect in every way Cupped in my hands Tell me why, then Did I feel the need To delve between the petals Trying to find something better Moving aside its quiet peace In a vain attempt to find change Why did I withdraw the flower from my heart So I could scrutinize I am sorry little rose You have my heartfelt apologies I wish I could soothe away the pain But the best I can do Is pass you to a kinder soul Praying they will recognize Your beauty and understanding Far better than I Please understand I don't with to let you go My tears stain your petals even now But the life you offer Has been wasted on me I pass you on with my thanks I wil not soon forget my sweet rose Who bloomed in my sunlight And nestled against me If only for a little while I will whisper a quiet prayer for you Each night as I close my eyes To whoever may hear And grant my wishes Go well my rose
  3. I can't understand how any teenage girl would actually be effected by the idiotic "dumb blonde barbie doll" stereotype though. And it really is a stereotype. If Barbie is portrayed as just a doll, she's a dumb blonde. If she's into careers and they make lawyer barbie and vet barbie, she's doing too much. I've always thought of that image to be a stereotype, a feminist's excuse, sorta. While from what you said, I do understand where he was coming from, that almost confuses me more. If women and teenagers over the age of 12 or 13 actually buy into that stereotype, I'd say they have some growing up to do. She's just a doll. Of course she's going to be perfectly constructed, she's a toy! There aren't many toys out there who are portrayed accurately. I'm more worried about the Bratz dolls. All they do is wear mini-skirts, put on make-up, and go to the mall. Barbie does all that, except I rarely ever see her in minis, and she does every career out there. Plus, little girls don't think about the stereotype Barbie image, or how they need to look perfect for everyone. They're too little still. Older, supposedly mature women, should be able to draw back from that silly image of perfection. *shakes head* Thanks you guys, for explaining things though. I never actually thought my dad would think I was that impressionable, or that immature to believe in anything like "Barbie perfection." Maybe I'll find a way to approach the subject without making his top blow off now that I know certain things.
  4. If he's the kinda guy to give you that kind of ultimatum, he doesn't seen worthy of any sort of decent girl. You're allowed to be confused, it's perfectly natural, and he shouldn't be scaring you into staying with him that way. That is a sticky situation though, break up with the guy and realize you adore him...Don't break it off and you may miss an extraordinary relationship. Iiiiii been there, dahlin, lol. Maybe you should talk to the guy, tell him about your feelings, how you don't want to hurt him, but you don't want to lose him...If he's any kind of decent he'll be hurt, yes, a bit angry, yes, but he will understand, and he won't tell you it's his way or the high way for your relationship. I hope things work out for ya!
  5. Well, I have absolutely NO clue, I just have the same kinda problems. If you find something that really works let me know, share the knowledge, lol. Only thing I know is go for the more natural kinda stuff, two of my friends tried some stuff that didn't have that organic kinda label and it -really- screwed their skin up.
  6. annie, if he fell on the arm that would suck, that's why I think he can't ice-skate. 3 weeks is new yes, but not that fresh oh-wow-I'm-in-a-new-relationship kinda new. I'd say 3 weeks is when you're beginning to get used to one another. so...do something he doesn't expect...ask him if he...uuh...if he likes cheese, >_>. watch a movie neither one of you like so you can throw popcorn at the screen and criticize it the entire time...uuuh....ask him a question you've never asked him before, get to know him a litle deeper...have a hot-dot eating contest...I hope I'm not throwing out completely weird ideas, I'm more pulling out what -I've- done when a relationship or a friendship needing something flashy. Seeing him every day could be apart of it. Yes, the cliche is you -adore- eeevery minute, but c'mon. Not seeing him for two days would be kinda bittersweet...Like doing pushups while staring at chocolate cake you know you can't have. When you finally eat the cake...it takes even -better- so not seeing him for a couple days might make seeing him even cooler, and then in whilst in the coolness of the moment you may think of something totally new to do together
  7. It's cheating if you're hiding it...Picture Jasmin walking right up to you and asking if you were having sex with Killian. If you lied, it's cheating. If you'd be honest, then I wouldn't say it's cheating. She may very well take it that way, most girls would, but if neither of you are hiding it then it's not as horrible as most cheating situations can get. And you don't always have to have a deep mental or emotional connection with someone to screw. Everyone has animal instinct, we ARE a kind of animal, and most-if not all-animals feel the need to have some physical fun once and awhile. My friend Grant and are the closest two friends can be...And we make out every once and awhile. We could -never- be in a relationship because neither of us feel that way AT ALL toward each other, it's purely physical. But I love him dearly as a friend, as he does me. There's nothign wrong with that. If you two have already stopped, I'd say keep it that way. Find someone else to fulfill the animal instinct, because he's taken. And if you're not coming clean with her and letting her in on the party, it's deceitful. Just remain friends, not * * * * buddies or friends with benefits. I hope things turn out alright in the end, for all three of you.
  8. I bet couples who've been married for 40 years still do stuff to spice up their relationships, or they'd be bored as hell too, lol. Try doing some new stuff, I'd say. If you have to stay inside cause it's too cold, I don't know...Build a fort out of chairs and pillows and blankets, make a 5 story PB&J sammich, or just talk about...whatever you haven't talked about yet. I'd say it's possible to get bored with a relationship after 3 days if there isn't any static in the water. Hey, if it's winter, go to an ice-skating rink! It's -supposed- to be cold there, and if neither of you know how to ice-skate, it'll be even funnier to have you both falling all over one another. I hope things work out and the spark comes back!
  9. Okay...This is a tad weird, so far I've posted stuff about an author and a poem of mine, so this is the first time I'm really asking for adivce aobut anything personal...Well here goes... So today me and my dad go to the store to buy some stuff, and we pass the coloring books. Suddenly I just get the feeling to color..I can't draw stick people write to save my life, so I've always enjoyed coloring books. I haven't used one in a long time--parents kinda stop buying them for ya when you get "too old." So I tell my dad I'll catch up with him and look for them. They've got Bob the Builder, Finding Nemo, Cinderella, but I ended up choosing Barbie. I've always liked Barbie, and Barbie coloring books have always been my favorite. I pick out some crayons, and meet my dad up front. I ask him if we can afford to buy them, he says yes. When he sees the Barbie he says he'll buy everything else but Barbie. And he wasn't even kidding. I thought he was when I took it up to the register and handed it to the cashier, he told her to take it off the credit card. I was...Well, I am pissed. It's not like HE wanted the coloring book, he wasn't going to use it, and he would've bought me a G.I. Joes one if I'd asked. He told me he didn't like what Barbie stood for, or how they portrayed her. I grew up with tons of barbies, and not once did I ever see a Barbie commercial trying to sex her up. She's always been the role model for girls, and not once have I ever come accross a Barbie encouraging girls to go out and dance on poles. I asked him if he would've bought me the G.I. Joes one, the one that had the little toys killing people with huge guns and all that, and he said of course, anything but Barbie. That's the backround info, now for the advice. How in the world do I handle this? I'm 17--almost, anyway, I want to talk to out like an adult...But for some reason the thought of talking it out with my father over something SO small seems so silly. That's what kinda gets to me, he got all riled up and serious over something as small as a coloring book. It's such an insignificant thing, and I highly doubt he grew up playing will Barbies or wathcing the commericals, so how come he was this warped opinion of Barbie being some sort of Britney Spears? He's not the easiest dude to talk to either, he's worse than my step-dad. At least if you were respectful with Mike (the step-dad) he would listen and hear you out--even if he didn't change his mind, at least some sort of discussion could happen. But with Dad if I try to talk to him he gets all irritated and frustrated and starts screech-yelling. You can always tell when that's gonna happen cause his eyes bug out and his eyebrows raise. Already it's happened when I tried to tell him about the Barbie I knew back when I was little, the role-model for girls type of toy. I know this is an odd thing to ask adivce for, but I'm more worried that if he's so freaked out about something this small, and won't even talk to me about it, what's gonna happen when something more serious occurs? I feel like I'm at a brick wall. ](*,) That icon really does say it all. So, everyone...How do you think I should approach the situation?
  10. oh wow, 5 years...maybe he thought that cliche saying "if you really love them, you'll let them go" some men don't know how to fight for their women, they think that if the girl wanted to be with them, she wouldn't've broken up with them. we can be quite a confusing gender, huh? maybe you should talk to him...call him, set up a meeting, some place quiet and private..and just talk. tell him how you think he's changed over the years, that you still love him, ask him why he thinks he's changed, if he's willing to put more effort...at least by talking to him, if things don't work out, you'll know you tried your best to resolve everything and made every effort to help the relationship. it's a small comfort, or no comfort at all, but it's something at least.
  11. Who knows really. My mom would tell my step-dad about something, he'd improve for about two weeks, then go back to whatever it was he was doing. My advice would be to set pride aside and get used to being the one doing the calling. He may not think it's hurting you, he may just be scatter-brained or forgetful or some guyish trait like that that they think is an excuse. If you want to talk to your man, call the guy, even if it means making the effort first. Maybe he'll get used to talking to you every day, or every other day, or whatever, and start calling you.
  12. Guns go off Blood on my face Fall to my knees Not hearing my screams Only able to watch As life drains away As blue eyes go dull And the body decays Sharp crash to the skull Pain streaks through the veins I fall in the blood In place of my breath I inhale his death Bubbles in the blood As I force each breath out The last thing I see Being his blank stare His broken skull And mangled body Curled into a ball From the beating before But now he lay still And I shaking beside him Death tense and waiting Salivating from his perch Wanting to lay one more claim The darkness creeps in Closing in on my eyes Before passing out A black gargoyle in disguise Snatches my soul, and cackling whispers "It's mine for life."
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