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TeeDee last won the day on November 29 2019

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  1. With respect to this guy, nothing. You took your shot but it didn't work. Now you have to leave him alone until the awkward dies down. Going forward when you find yourself liking somebody spend time with him. Flirt your tail off. Laugh at the jokes. Toss your hair. Touch his arm. Sit too close etc. One of my favorite techniques to gage interest would be to inform the crush where you & your friends will be on a weekend night. Invite the crush & their friends to show up. If they come there is interest there. However, you have to see how they behave. If they immediately start hitting on your friends or someone else, then you know they do not see you in a romantic light.
  2. Some people like your current SO have a hard fast rule about no EXs at all for any reason. They are black & white people who don't get subtle shades of grey Be transparent, as you have been. Show the current SO the message. Don't go out of your way to stay in contact with the EX but do be polite if the EX reaches out. Odds are now that you mentioned the new relationship, the EX will back off. Remind your SO that you live a continent away from the EX & that one of the things your SO likes about you is that you are kind / polite. If the SO can't get past a polite message, perhaps the SO is too badly damaged / immature to bother about.
  3. He started it so he needs to keep it up. The good morning / good night texts are a throw away IMO but once that pattern begins, stopping it indicates fading interest & causes more problems. It never should have been started in the 1st place but now that it has, backing off from that causes more problems. Especially because she equates these texts with effort to stop now will cause her to conclude that you no longer care. She will see it as a sign of disinterest which will cause more problems & may break you up. In the future do not start this. There is no way out. There is also no need to speak to somebody daily when they are new in your life. Establishing this pattern of too much too soon backs you into a corner. If you are going to stop doing this you better explain it to her. She's not gonna understand because she already told you she likes it. She's looking for reassurance & taking this away from her will cause her to conclude you are unreliable & just like her EX who hurt her. It's not logical. It might not be fair but you are the one who offered up this daily morsel.
  4. Never confess a crush like that. It comes out of left field & the other person just feels bad. It's awkward. Rather, spend more time IN PERSON with your crush. Up your flirting game & see what happens. It's not a rejection but it's also not an enthusiastic response where your crush declares they feel the same way. You took your shot. It was poorly received. Back off.
  5. No because she won't know why. It's game playing & expecting her to read your mind. That is not meaningful communication. Rather, if you want to back off, tell her that you hear her about slowing down so you will not be pestering her with daily messages but you would still like to get together on [date[ to [activity] See if that changes things but slowing down & taking the pressure off but staying in touch.
  6. At this point if you have been consistently sending the good night texts you deviating from that will cause her to believe you have lost interest & that will make things worse. Again, let her catch her breath but some time this week ask about an easy low pressure date soon but do give her some notice & be flexible.
  7. Yes you made a mistake buying a house with somebody you are not married to. Now here you are. Can you open a discussion about your relationship by telling him something that you do like / love about him & your relationship? Do not lead with the fact that he's nice to your daughter or that you two own a house. Those facts are not going to make him feel loved, appreciated or sexy which needs to be your goal here. Then ask him what he wishes he could change. He may feel financially stressed or that you are using him as a meal ticket. Think about small things you can do to show him more appreciation: make a favorite meal, offer a sincerely compliment, give him a back rub, write a love note. After you do that for a bit tell him what you need: kisses, hand holding, for him to initiate sex etc. If you can be specific about your needs he is more likely to grant them. If all you get is rudeness, it may be time to put the house on the market if neither of you can afford to buy the other out.
  8. Slow down. You have known this woman for less than a month. You two are already too enmeshed. The fact that you want more is astonishing to me. She's feeling it too which is why she is backing off. There is no need to talk every day. IMO that is something people work up to. Of course she already had plans. She has a life & kids. She has a routine. So do you. It take a while -- several months at least -- to be able to coordinate schedules & synchronize your lives. There is too much future talk in here & it's much too soon. Do reach out to arrange another date. Do not talk farther into the future than the following week. Be more in the moment. The future will take care of itself. For now you two simply need to move much more slowly & deliberately. If you can slow down you may have something. Insisting on rushing will destroy everything because it will all be too much too soon.
  9. See if you can get these under employed lazy bones on housing assistance: Texas Housing Assistance | Texas.gov
  10. At 63 your mother is eligible for social security. Get her on it. www.ssa.gov If your sister has back problems from her job send her to a lawyer to find out if she can claim workers' compensation benefits or if she is eligible for social security disability benefits. At some point you do get to stop being the family ATM. Ask your brother to help you support mom & sister.
  11. Please reconsider. Tell your parents your plan. Go back to therapy. Really work your program. Sometimes you have to work to find the right therapist. I have been in search of a good fit for 6 months or so. I have been through 4 so far; this last one might work. My previous therapist retired. As bleak as things seem at 18/19 those seemingly insurmountable problems will be mere molehills by the time you are 28/29. You just have to get there. It's soooooo hard when you are young, when you don't have your own money or your own space. It's better as an adult when you have more power to change things. What are the issues that have caused you to feel this way? Maybe we can share our stories to help you find the light at the end of your tunnel. Another option I recommend is go to church. I casted about trying to find something that worked: alcohol; prescription drugs, mediation, mindfulness, deep breathing, exercise. None helped me as much as prayer. Give it a shot.
  12. You have to walk before you can run. Socializing is an art. You need to learn to make small talk in all walks of life. Develop friendships. Then you can branch out to getting a GF. In the short term, join a group or organization that does something you enjoy or support. Surrounding yourself with like minded people will be a great ice breaker.
  13. Nobody can answer this for you. It's too personal. That said, staying together "for the kids" rarely works out well for anyone. Make a pros & cons list. See what looking at it on paper shows you.
  14. I agree with @MissCanuck. Willful ignorance is not helpful here. She doesn't want to change. She wants everything her way, period.
  15. You will get your point across more effectively if you ask questions rather than make statements. Good luck.
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