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sir sirloin

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sir sirloin last won the day on May 30 2006

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  1. Evolution - good looking women make men horny, unattractive women do not. Blame Darwin.
  2. If you aren't happy in your current financial situation then it probably won't help to take your misery into a higher tax bracket. I've made some pretty bad choices in the past so at 30 I'm just about to break even again. My advice is to take your credit card and put it way in the back of your wallet and get a debit card you can use to pay for everything. Then make it a rule that if you don't have enough in your bank you can't afford it. Credit cards are the tools of the devil and their whole purpose is to lure in people who they know will have trouble paying. Then when something happens and that person is late they jack up the interest rates which was the plan all along. It is fine to have one for true (medical) emergencies but other than that there is nothing so vital to your existence that you need to pay 12-24% interest for it. If you bought $500 glasses either your eyes are really messed up or you have expensive tastes which you might consider toning down to match your income. Another really simple way to save lots of money is to bag your lunch rather than eating out. That is like putting ten dollars a day in your pocket.
  3. Question Aggie: Do you set a specific date and time? As in "I'de like to take you out to dinner Tuesday. How is 8 for you?" Or is it something more nebulous like "We should hang out sometime?"
  4. Russo, there is something that will help but it is going to be the one of the hardest things you have ever had to do. In order to get over this person who you still love, you will have to start hating her. Just think about how you feel right now and start resenting her for doing this to you. Let it roll from there. Good luck.
  5. I wouldn't confirm. If someone breaks a date without informing the other person beforehand they lack integrity and aren't worth being interested in. This is the 21st century, everyone has a cell phone, email, and voice mail so there isn't any excuse for not warning someone beforehand you aren't going to make a meeting. However if you can't take it and are freaky paranoid what you should do is call and say something like "I'm sorry but I got confused about what time we were meeting, was it 6 or 8?" It isn't the best idea but it is better than saying "I just wanted to make sure we were still going out, I'm quite desperate and am such a doormat that I've been stood up many times in the past. Now I can't handle the anxiety anymore, please like me?"
  6. Nope, won't feel guilty one bit, but I will make a note of how long I held out and what finally broke me so I can understand where my weaknesses are. It is an exercise in a differnt kind of self discovery. Supposedly Shaolin monks don't because that way they can re-absorb the chi energy that would have normally be put towards creating offspring.
  7. Gah, stop with the stupid nice guy vs jerk thing it doesn't help anyone. And it is also a myth. Women want men who present themselves as having a high status among other men. These desirable males are good looking, adventurous, exciting, risk taking, confident, powerful, respected etc. Undesirable men are jealous of what the desirable men have, eg. all the women. But instead of learning from their betters the low status men attempt to justify their lack of desirability as a form of martyrdom called niceness. And they also condemn the higher status men as "jerks" forever barring themselves from joining the ranks of the desirable. Guess what? The high status men don't care, and women are only turned off by this kind of pettiness. So to all of you "nice guys" STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! You aren't helping yourselves nor are you endearing yourselves to women. One hallmark of a low status male is he complains all the time. He isn't powerful enough to change anything so his only release from his frustration is to whine to anyone who will listen. We can't change who we are overnight but we can change one thing: we can stop complaining and instead start figuring out how we can change our situation or change ourselves to take better advantage of it. To the original poster: Younger women are just as horny as men and are evolutionarily conditioned to seek the fittest mate. If you aren't him then your mates might stay with you for a while but will inevitably move on. Dating ends with either breakup or marriage. And unless you are one of those high status males (which I can very safely assume none of the males who look at this board are) women are the ones who decide when a relationship starts and when it ends. These are just the facts of life. Your best recourse is to shrug your shoulders and go on to the next one.
  8. The fake reason is I'm exercising pretty heavily now and don't want to give up the protien. But the real reason is I'm seeing if being excessively horny is going to make me more willing to take risks when dealing with women. It might just make me desperate and frustrated I don't know. I enjoy the challenge of fighting against myself and consider it exercise for my discipline muscle. If I can maintain control of my more primal urges then maybe I can use that skill to better focus in other areas of my life where I need more willpower.
  9. 9 days which is a freaking world record for me just thought everyone was dying to know that
  10. Just remember that girls who are pretty get men hitting on them ALL the time. So they develop pretty hardcore defense mechanisms whenever they aren't with an obvious guy bodyguard. Try asking about something in the environment like if you are waiting in line at the take out place say you can't decide what to get and ask her what she is getting. Then judge her response to see if she wants to talk more. If she briefly answers then goes about her business probably not. Just say thanks and leave it at that. If she hesitates then you have to come up with a way to keep the conversation going. Then at some point you get her name, then ask for her number. Good luck and godspeed!
  11. Thank you CluelessGuy321. I'm here because I know there are guys who are suffering like I was in my late teens and early 20s. They don't have brothers or fathers or close friends they can talk with about this stuff. If I can stop a few guys from going through what I went through, or at least shorten the time it takes them to learn the lessons I've learned, then to parphrase Theoden when "I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed."
  12. Get so drunk you puke in front of all of your friends. My best puke story was throwing up in a taxi cab after getting kicked out of a strip club! Boy was that driver pissed.
  13. I had my first girlfriend at 24, my first real relationship at 26. I realized that not only was I bad at talking to hot chicks but I was bad at talking with strangers in general. The first thing I did was practiced being social. The hard part was learning how to start a conversation with a stranger but I figured it out. Check out whatever situation you are in and ask the person something about it. It works the same with men and women so practice on anyone except hot chicks until you don't get nervous. One example is I was waiting for a friend outside a thrift store and an old woman was waiting at the car next to me. So I asked her "Do you work here?" And she answered and eventually we had a conversation about thrift stores in the area. Or when I was in traffic court I asked the dude sitting next to me "So, what are you in for?" Then we talked about how much we hated traffic court. After a few lines introduce yourself. If the other person doesn't give their name they probably aren't interested in talking with you. Just worry about getting good at small talk then you can work on how to pick up women.
  14. I would just leave her...except for the drugs thing that doesn't bother me very much. Instead of ultimatums why not a negotiated settlement? Where both people can state their case and come to a compromise (hint, a compromise is an agreement where neither side is happy with the results).
  15. I'll put myself into the not-talking-on-the-phone category. I use my phone to make plans to meet people.
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