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  1. Day (2) of no contact.....I want to. Want to send an email saying I'll wait for you......oh goodness no human being should have to wait for another to figure out if they cared about them.
  2. DAY 5, feeling good, feeling alive. Still hits me once in awhile that he's gone and not coming back. But then I remember I'm still here and that's enough.
  3. Okay I've done great. N/C for three days. Really seeing things I didn't before. Good job me! lol
  4. Ok finally been broken up the start of NC challenge. It is April 12/2007 @ 12:22pm and I will nto contact my ex. I am not going to wait around for him.
  5. I want to tell you magical words that will make it better but I don't think I can. But please hang on and one day you will snap out of it. Believe that.
  6. Yes. It's sick but when you find out information and you ask point blank your testing that person. You seeing if you can trust them. To tell you the truth think about it this way. You checked his email, you confonted him, he told the truth that he had, I'm betting you would feel more trust in him then before. He maybe lying about other things, not saying he is but he could be. You have to have trust or it's all down hill.
  7. Bah I think it's silly. What ever happened to the good old days. You find someone around the age of 17-19 have a few kids and die in an unhappy but you don't know any better life lol jk I don't mean it.
  8. That's awsome and as I have lived it to. Completely Fact!
  9. This isn't going to make you feel better but the best way to get him to even consider coming back would to be leave it alone. Don't contact him. I seriously thought the only way I could get the man I loved back in my life was some how show him/say to him/be with him and he will remember how good it was to love me. It doesn't work. I'm not saying he is going to come back but the longer you ignore him the more it will give him a chance to think of you. And heck in the meantime of n/c you will feel horrible but that's when you find things to do. I hope this helps a bit
  10. I guess it's better to have an ex be mean then nice to you. I mean when there is niceness you feel more of the need for that attention compared to when they are total jerks lol
  11. It's true. You don't forget your ex's but it's easy to get into the thought process that if you go away and maintain n/c that they will forget you. It just doesn't work that way. You are more likely to remember someone after you haven't spoken to them for a while then if they are always around.
  12. What Beec said is perfect. I never really had experianced that unitl recently and it's extremely true. And it's important to get out because is that really love? I wasted 4 months walking on egg shells, saying sorry for things I shouldn't have to, overreacting over silly things because I was afraid I wasn't going to get the high. I wonder why people do that to other people?
  13. I've always been told that's the first sign of something of a bigger problem. If he activily get's help and see's someone about it I would give him the chance but on the whole for him to become that angry over a small issue like that is something to watch for. He is messed up and if he doesn't un mess himself I would end this. HE SHOULD NEVER GET IN YOUR FACE!!! that's a huge huge no no. Remember that.
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