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  1. Yes It wasn't great idea to hand in £20k, but like what I said, the money is not my biggest concern at the moment, we have a legal agreement and he'll pay me back. I will be struggling if I move out, but like what I said, I won't go hungry or sleeping on streets. I am more concern of the emotional side of things. THAT I would need help. I am chartered accountant myself
  2. I see I understand what you mean now, sorry it took me a while to picked up what you meant. I do apologise. I didn’t mean his weakness as being feminine. Yes, I know a lot of strong women and I would include myself, I am a single mother of one, raised daughter on my own since birth with no help from her dad, she's now 18, lost 2 sons, I'm the bread winner of my family and my handicap brother with 7 children who’s mother left them years ago (that’s different story) and I have been helping and supporting every one of my own without any governmental help for 20 plus years whilst juggling a business and demanding job in financial services, So yes I agree its not right to refer this as feminine. I was referring more of his strength. I recognised I used an incorrect word. I was referring him “feminine” from when he cries when our cat lashed out on him or when little hot oil burnt his skin or being so scared of cutting himself or complaints a lot when shopping bags are little heavy, silly things like that, I guess the word is not feminine, maybe emotional. Yes, you’re right. I am a woman, and I don’t react to those things myself I also referred him feminine as he does move quite slow, very soft and gentle, but then I am not like that as a woman. So yes, it is insulting, and I understand what you mean in this context. I guess culture wise from where I am from originally, back in the day people would refer to men who’s physically not strong as “feminine” But just to make it clear, I didn't man as should be bulky strong, tough that if they can't lift or if they cry, they are less of a man. Don't get me wrong I do understand masculinity and what makes a man. We are now in 21st century and traditional masculine ideals are long gone where society expects men to be dominant, strong, powerful, and good at suppressing feelings (other than anger). And of course, if you ask me if he's done things what a person of character would do with integrity, he's done quite a few yes and I am forever grateful to those. I was only referring the physicality and fact that he is indolent also plays apart. and would I say the same that I would respect him even if he annoys/irritates me. YES. But respect is earned, and I can only give as much. If your frustrations and wants are not being heard and acknowledge then you'd feel not valued, when the person stone wall you because you voiced your concerns and frustrations then you'll feel unwanted and when the person uses your anger as justification of their behaviour against you shows disrespect, in fact all these actions are disrespectful. So eventually you'll lose your respect. Why I am struggling to decide where I know there is an issue and its not making me happy. I don’t know. I said I am strong but emotionally not so much, think we all are sometimes.
  3. I really I don't know how to describe his behaviour though? Like genuinely, what else I can describe some of his behaviour but feminine? I am not sure if you've read the whole essay (I know its very long so sorry) but I have described there why I call him feminine. Of course, I would always try and ask for his help first with anything but he's just not able to help me and I often gets really frustrated. He's unable to participate like a team mate and he won't even try? Of course, I would love him to get a screw driver and screw what needs screwing or at least attempt when I ask him to, or offer to carry something when I ask him to carry something. Sometimes he would try carry but give up immediately and get Uber straight away (few bags of shopping for example) at home, he would say he couldn't do it. In the early days, I would laugh about it and it became our joke. But after a while, its exhausting and I can't help myself to get upset as its frustrating but then he would get angry too? I would love to experience sometimes that my man is busy doing some DIY so i didn't have to do it all the time, would love for him to at least make dinner every once in a while or every evening if he can. Would love him to at least attempt to make me a cup of tea or coffee even if he doesn't drink those. At least would help me cut vegetables when I am cooking. I always ask him of course when I need help but its often getting into intense situation as i.e he would try help me cut veggies but takes him forever as he is scared to cut his fingers and I would get frustrated as I have taught him a few times how to cut safely. When I ask him to keep an eye of my cooking, he wouldn't do anything when its burning or over flowing, instead he would call me to tell me what's happening than taking initiative to stop it from burning/overflowing. Silly things like this sometimes just frustrating, I used to laugh about it but overtime its upsetting. and there's other things, washing, cleaning, taking rubbish out etc. I just want sometimes needs his help without getting into an argument when I need one. and when we get into an argument, I just want us to talk the issue than posting who's who He is not breaking up with me either but is stonewalling me, so i guess the decision would be coming from me.
  4. I don't think you understand, maybe try copying the whole sentence. I said " I am not in two minds wether to stay or go just because I will not have a roof above my head when i move out" YES. I will be struggling but i wont go hungry or sleeping on streets, I have a place to go if its really come down to moving out. My point is in case my essay wasn't clear. IS IT WORTH MOVING OUT? ARE WE ABLE TO FIND SOLUTION WITH OUR ISSUES? This is not why I am here for so stop referring to a different issue. And like what I said we had an agreement and thank you for teaching me how to recover my money. We had an agreement! A legal agreement and I don't need to tell you that here. he is not scamming me thank you very much, I am well aware of where I am putting my money into, I am well aware of the risk that I put my money without my name of the deed. I am not an idiot if you think I am. So stop being negative and diverting my relationship issue to financial issue. Jesus, I didn't realised, I'd get stress here with completely different issue.
  5. That is not my concern at the moment , we had an agreement and I am aware my name should be there. I am not in two minds wether to stay or go because I will not have a roof above my head when i move out. Yes i am struggling financially but not the end of the world.
  6. I don't know. As much I would love to be on my own in my own place, it's sad to think that we won't be with each other anymore. I know everyone has experience this sadness when relationship ends, but I am anxious to experience it again as I have no one to talk to and home working also does not help. So I guess I am being a coward
  7. Yeah I did wonder that too and we talked about it at early stage of relationship, and he said nope he's not autistic but then I guessed he hadn't got it checked. Do you think he have controlling behaviour or manipulative based on how I describe him and on this essay? I am just wondering as I could be wrong but it's how I feel and think
  8. Been living just less than 2 years. We've moved in together in just 3mos of the relationship, seems quite common during pandemic. We've moved to a new house just less than 2mos ago. It's his name, 50% of deposit is my money. I know it's early and crazy to do that but was in-love you see? If you ask why it's his name? There is another reason. and yes I spent 20K and I should ask that back so i can start my life my own but that's another issue that will create more tension not just in our relationship but us as individuals which I am avoiding to happen. We had an agreement and I am happy to stick to it. I don't think I am being hateful, that's not fair for you to say as you have no idea what I have been through. My essay may come up as hateful in your understanding but I have tried to lay-out here what he's like so readers will have an understanding that I am not exaggerating and not being bias. I myself have flaws, I made mistakes. I am trying to explain here of what I think he's like as a person, reason to why we have issues and that's why I am here. He's got good qualities that I of course love, that's how we got together in the first place, but his good side is not what's troubling us so as my good side and that is not the reason why I am here. Yes, I am aware that moving out is an easier option but reason why I am on this thread is to gather more information that will help me with my decision BEFORE i do that. I would like to have constructive feedback that is useful and helpful rather than negative. Thank you for taking time to read my long essay 🙂
  9. Hi Everyone, Hope all is okay and safe. I am back here again after couple of years. I am so confused at the moment and I hope that you can all give me a little light and help with my relationship problems as it's really giving me so much stress and anxiety. I am very sorry it is quite long as I would like everyone to have understanding of my problems My boyfriend and I have been together for a little under 2 years and since we have been together, honestly I can only remember few moments of laughter and harmonious life with him, lucky if we can survive full month without arguing over silly things. We do love each other though but we are very different. I am strong willed, outspoken, versatile and physically stronger than him, I am active, independent and Optimistic. Emotionally though I won't say I am what I said above I must admit. I am also quite inquisitive and won't settle with "I don't know" response especially when bf is in charge of a task. My boyfriend on the other hand is very opposite. He's quite a feminine man. He's passive aggressive, very sensitive, lazy, prefers to sit on couch all day and watch Netflix than go for a walk let alone exercise. Struggles to deal with basic stuff and quite inept. I am not being mean and exaggerated when I say he's inept but he really is. Just to give you an example. He struggled to identify which is sugar and which is coffee? and does not know how to beat an egg, fry egg, or even how to mix food in the pan when I am cooking. When things in the house needs screwing or assembling or when TV needs fixing, it would be me that would be doing it. As well as lifting with heavy things etc. and I'm no weight lifter, I'm just an ordinary 10st 5'5 girl . He is smart though and geeky and I love him for what he is. As much as I respect him and his capabilities it just exhausting sometimes that I cannot rely on him with anything and my is patience not always there. Friends and family especially his side are quite aware of this, in fact they knew him longer than me and they would sometimes make funny comments or tease him whenever we get together. Not insulting comments but just comments like they would directly tell me to let them know if I need tools to use. My boyfriend would laugh along or he would also tell his friends and fam that I am the handyman in the house. However, when it's just him and I at home, he's different, he's domineering and overbearing, he's very stubborn, he cannot take constructive criticism and would always think he's being attacked or even when no criticism involve, he would get very defensive and plays victim. I feel like my boyfriend is insecure of me as there was one time when he struggled to assembled our old dismantled bed frame, he cried and was feeling down and told me that he feels as if he couldn't do anything as he had to ask for my help and that I am better than him as I can do a lot of things. His best friend told him once long time ago that he does not know anything in life that caused their friendship to break. I have of course gave him positive advises and reminded him of things I couldn't do without him. This is just one of the many things he's done and said that I felt he was being insecure. I also notice that he would try to control me by making me listen to whatever he'll say which I have regardless of what it is, but in a while I noticed that its only one sided, it seems he's not letting me have an opinion with anything and being me, I usually push to get my opinion, suggestion and comments across that would often lead to arguments. His reasoning is always "he can't have his way" which is same to my reasoning too and I feel like there's more of his than mine but he's not seeing that, whenever I get my way, that's because there was an argument first and he would be miserable and when there are any hurdles of my way he would blame me. We fight over silly little things because he cannot take criticism, and I am not even being disrespectful of him, he would take it personally that it is an attack, he would get very defensive. I of course would react to his behaviour and when I get upset and angry because of how he reacted and made me feel like I'm the bad guy, my voice is raised, I am not calm. He however is a passive one, he would used my anger against me and plays victim. Then the silence treatment follows, followed by awkward small talk until it fizzled out and next thing you know we're okay again (for one or few days until there is another issue again) Whenever he's done something annoying again that I would call him out or he gets upset for whatever reasons just because he's very sensitive, he would act very cold, very rude, disrespectful, stonewalling and vindictive and he would bring up the issues that never got solve weeks/days previously so the current ones will never get discussed and my feelings of why I got upset of the current ones has been set aside. I then find myself justifying for the previous issues and we're back arguing again about the previous issues and the pattern is the same. However, whenever I would done something that I knew it upset him, i would recognised and apologised but this is not always the case as majority of times, he would not tell me I have upset him until days later. It's as if he is saving it as if it's his shield to use against me than discussing his wrongdoings. Until recently I had enough of this behaviour and to my anger, I called him out and told him how I truly felt. Told him hat I felt he was insecure of me that's why he would jump on every chance to control me but because he's got low self steam and that is weak and he acts like a woman (not being sexist, just referring to him struggles to cut vegetables as scared to cut his fingers, cries when cat attracts etc.) I know I shouldn't have said that and it was not nice but I did not recognize that mistake straight away. I was very angry as we had one of our arguments at that time and his usual behaviour whenever we argue is he would walk away and gone to room and shut the door. Next day, he was okay again like nothing happened, we went to central London and watched a play in the theatre, was all good. Until end of the day when we were on the way back home. Our train was at 10:50 and we arrived at the station at 10:44. The platform is right opposite of the gate, takes 2min normal walking. He however was panicking that we were going to missed our train, he was telling me to hurry up, told him he doesn't need to (and he's well aware it does not take time to get to the platform) but he was running and left me whilst keep checking on me indicating to hurry up. (at that time I felt he was again trying to call me) Train arrives, I saw him jumped on the train and I also jumped on the train but to a different carriage 2 doors away from his, he looked at me and I made a gesture sign that I will go to his carriage. Turned out he didn't see me and I saw him jumped back out just before door closes and he was left behind. I was annoyed but found it funny. Problem was my phone was dead and I didn't have my house keys. I knew I would wait for him for 2 hrs to get home. As I couldn't wait for him for 2 hrs in the cold, I went home, wrote a note that I will be waiting for him at a shop we both know as it was very cold to wait outside and told him to come see me there. Almost 3 hrs later he didn't turned up at the shop, I was worried his train might got delayed or something might have happened to him, didn't want to leave shop in case, we missed each other. I begged again the shop keeper for charger (as initially I was told they didn't have any) when I have spoken to him, he said he's at home, read my note and asked If I wanted picking up and said he didn't want to leave house in case I will be home. I got annoyed and he also got angry than apologizing and again brought up previous issue. He sarcastically apologised, so insincere, didn't even try to hide how fake apology it was but I accepted it to cut it off. Next day back to stonewalling, aggressive manner, over acting and just constant disrespectful and again I reacted to his behaviour and there he was again bring up previous issues. This time he's very angry for I call him weak and like a woman which is understandable but instead of really telling me how he feels, it was constant "I am like this and that and I am an abuser" and was being rude and ill-mannered. I have apologised and he said that I wasn't sincere, I had enough and had to go away for few days, told him and I have to see family as step uncle passed away, he's maintain communication whilst I was away for few days (probably being sympathetic) When I came back, immediately he was being the same, vindictive, disrespectful. I had to leave again and back at my family home, he never message me whilst I was away for 5 days and when I came back, it's like nothing happened. We are at the moment awkwardly talking casually and sleeping in different rooms. I don't know if its worth staying. Financially, I am struggling and we've just moved to a new house so the whole moving stress is not gone yet. Please advice, I am very sorry again it is long but really appreciate your help Just to add up and worth knowing my bf not showy of his emotions and lack of knowledge of showing affections, although he would try. My boyfriend was 33 when we got together and I am his first ever gf and first to be in bed, so our bedroom too is not quite great as he is very shy to initiate to get intimate.
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