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WorkNProgress last won the day on October 19 2006

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  1. Are you his fiance or his mother? It really does get on a guys nerve to constantly be reminded of things to do. We think we are being helpful when it does sound like nagging to them. I say let him do what he needs to do. If he forgets he only has himself to blame. If he is that forgetful perhaps he should get that checked out by a dr. He either isnt paying attention to things that need to be done or he doesnt care if they are done. Overall I would suggest to stop reminding him of things
  2. Hi SG I watch the show "The Nanny" and when the parents have problems with a child going to sleep in their own bedroom this is what she has them do. It always works too. She has the parents put the child in bed. They will get out and the parents again put the child back in bed saying "Its time for bed." They will get out over and over but from the 3rd try on you are to say nothing to the child but to lead them back to bed. It may be tough and tiring especially if there is crying but that is the only way to break the habit. You could check on the website for "The Nanny" on ABC. Some of the children that they have had to do that with are very dificult and they seemed to get right into after the parents took control of the situation. Thats just an idea? I hope that it may help or spark other ideas.
  3. I dont think anybody is being hateful. I think the people who believe this WASNT a hoax are just trying to lay this out in a rational way. That all of it doesn't add up. The timeframe, the people who were first contacted. Even if the mother were to some how call her friends first off it would be a good friend that the mother knows too. It was a hoax, a sham, a bamboozle, a hoodwink, whatever you want to call it. 2 girls that had way too much time on their hands played an awful, morbid joke. I think if you are as troubled or looking for attention it's time to seek professional help because a forum is not going to help on that level. They may even have new screen names on this site and portraying new characters. Also FALLOUT said Indi was in India for 2 weeks and she is not online. How could a girl who was practically dieing of anorexia make a trip to India? Doesn't add up.
  4. But you havent met in person is my point. So initially you can't say that you saw the reaction. Thats all I am saying.
  5. Well like we all have learned with the hoax of celticgirls "death" people online and on the phone are very different then in person. So you may know things about your b/f, but you only know a person well enough when you have daily interactions with them. See how they handle pressure, how they conduct themselves in public, if they are a road rager, who their friends are, etc. Yvette I dont think you can say you know that about your boyfriend.
  6. I concur with Annie. You just might find out that you may be in lust with your boyfriend and this other well who knows what could happen. Go for it Yvette. You have to admit he alot more motivated then your guy in MN. He has to be.
  7. Fallout, You are in denial right now and that is normal. You were bamboozled. If you in fact have called and talked to her. Try calling her cell phone. I am most definate that that account would no longer be in service. Also Indi has not posted since this all went down. Just too many gaps in this sorted tale. I too want to thank Avman for the excellent work he provides to this site. I think the name calling and/or getting mad at someone merely because they provided information is futile and immature. I had my thoughts on this when I first saw the post of her death. I thought it was too cynical and kept it to myself. I too went to the BBC websites and the various papers in Scotland. Nothing I mean nothing came up. There was a hit and run but the girl was 9 I think and the young man that was killed. Its sad but true people do conjure up personas online. I dont know why but they do. Look at the crimes that have taken place because people were not who they said they were. Even after talking to them on the phone. Sorry but I think the ENA community was bamboozled by 2 young girls that have too much time on their hands.
  8. Good poiint Scout. I was diagnosed with it too. I however was an adult. I took adderall for awhile and it seemed to focus me. But like many I hate taking meds. I do have some medications that I have to take and will probably take them for the rest of my life. I talked with my mother about how I was and she said I was a day dreamer. That is a common trait for girls. Anyways I still have trouble with focusing or keeping on track with one thing. "Driven to Distraction" is a great book on dealing with ADD. I also believe that diet can have major implications on the way the body reacts. I probably should change up mine a bit for focus. As for your son Southern Girl, you need to do what is in the best interest of your son. Do your research and then go to his pediatrician and confer with them about choices that you have available.
  9. I think that there are children who are wrongly medicated. However, if tested properly, and by a credible professional in that field I cant think they just want to push drugs down our throats. There are the unscrupulous ones out in the world. My brother played like he always did, sassed like he sassed before, and enjoyed the things he enjoyed before meds. It just helped him settle down and focus and not be so impulsive. I do see that the rise in junk food high in sugar and preservatives. There could be a correlation. Former president Clinton just struck a deal with the food corporations that peddle their goods in schools. They need to find healthier snacks to distribute that are lower in sugar and fats. Its slow coming but its changing in that arena. I can't help but think if someone were a diabetic would you not want them to be on meds for that? Or how about epilepsy? Would you restrict meds because of that? Epilepsy is also a brain function and meds help keep that regulated what is the difference if its just regulating impulsivness and hyper activity?
  10. No my brother did NOT turn into a zombie. LOL He still acted up at times. As for his personality he was still a very kind and engaging little boy. The medication just helped to rework his chemistry. Yes, I agree ritalin can have the "zombie" affect on some children. But like I have said and n83 consider trying the meds, if it doesnt work or your child seems dispondent stop and try another avenue.
  11. I can go off experience with this. My younger brother was diagnosed with ADD when he was 5 or 6. When he was a baby it took hours to get him to sleep. We would all end up asleep before him. It got worse when he started school. The teachers were constantly needing to get him on task. When he was home he was always getting into things. Constantly making noises, and basically would not sit still. My mother like yourself was against any sort of medication. She had numerous meetings with the teachers, his peditrician, and the person who diagnosed the ADD. After much consideration my mother started my brother on Ritalin. I tell you it was like night and day. After a week or two he was calm. He was able to concentrate at school and not get so easily off task. At home he was able to sit still and do things as he was told. Thet had him in a special ed class to learn how to concetrate and different excersises to focus. He graduated from highschool with good grades, many friends, and an overall great young man. He still has problems with reading but he did grow out of the severe ADD. With the help of learning new ways to focus he stopped taking the medication when he was I think 9 or 10. I say don't feel bad about this. It is something that you had no bearing on whether he would have this or not. Weigh out all the options and think of what is best for your son. It is worth a try even if it only for a trial period.
  12. Hi Robin, I took the little questionaire and I am a mensch. My problem is I find a man, he pursues me and I get scared and I don't get too attached. However, there is this point where I switch places and then I become the pursuer and scare them away. Its like they slow down their pursing of me and I run with it. How does one effectively pursue without scaring the poor men away. Also what do you think of online dating? Do you think it gives you sort of a false interpretation of the person? That you really can't know if they are the "nice" gal or "nice" guy? Do you have any tips on what to look for and to watch out for when online dating? Thank you!
  13. The one thing that she has in her favor that not all people get is financial help for college. She is part of a program that some schools in the States have. If you graduate from highschool your college can be paid for. Not all people get that so I would really take advantage of that.
  14. "Yes, I will try tonight. It's really not as simple as it sounds when emotions are so strong." Hun, your situation is no different than many that come to this site. It is very simple. You are NOT a couple, you are NOT married, you do NOT have anything together such as finances, obligations, or children. It is very simple. Emotions are always strong when a parting of ways comes into place. You did the right thing and not answering your phone. To be honest I think the only way you will be able to let this go is via email. I think the phone will be a vulnerable place for you. In the email tell her you are taking a break from this right now. You need to get started with things in your life and that you will be in touch. Ask that she not contact you and respect your feelings on this. If she contacts you at work just say you can't speak and hang up. I don't think she will be fair to you and your feelings if she gets you on the phone. David you are strong enough to do this. You just have to believe in yourself.
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