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  1. ya, i saw that where you were posting on my thread, i was like...wait a second i'm confused. ya i know how that is, i'm like that with my boyfriend haha. (sadly we've only been dating for 2 weeks...but i've liked him for over 2 years). again, hope all turns out well, and i guess i'll just consider y'all married lol. if you ever need to talk PM me, and i think my AIM is in my profile(i have MSN and Yahoo as well). i'm almost always online
  2. i'm so sorry about your wife. i hope she gets better and y'all are reunited. you're very talented, i like your poem a lot. i like the way you were able to use your words to bring me into your emotions and how you expressed the way you feel without saying anything about your emotions.
  3. i cut, and someone i respect on here VERY much has suggested this, and i have suggested it to fellow cutters. squeeze ice cubes! focus ALL of your EVERYTHING on breaking those ice cubes. channel your anger, depression, anxiety, fear whatever it is into your fist and break those ice cubes! it also hurts so then if you're looking for the pain you get that as well, without actually hurting yourself. i know a few people that have tried this and it worked hope this helps
  4. say "its a little late for talking seeing as how we're over, dont you think?"
  5. i would find out what he wants. just say "why do you want to talk?" just curious because i didnt read the other thread... who broke up with who?
  6. kickboxing, karate? anything like that is good, go to china on top of the mountains and scream! take a stick and beat a tree... that works REALLY well
  7. my boyfriend and i rarely talk on the phone and when we are we don't talk much, we don't talk much in person either. i'm constantly with him but he's always talking to his friends or something, it's kind of weird. i don't know why we don't talk much but it kind of sucks.
  8. be flirty... but not over the top. when she is REALLY ready... she will open up, thats what im starting to do with my man, im still sacred out of my mind but im slowly opening up to him
  9. a lot of females dont like doing things on there period, i dont. im tired, cranky, achy and just plain blah. most of the time i just want to lay there with his arms around me and chill. i get uncomfortable sometimes too but i can deffinatly talk about it all day, anyone can TALK about it. but when i think about it i get nervous that it wont be "good"... its a chick thing so you wouldnt know what im talking about but all or most of the other girls do! just let her be AND DONT KEEP ASKING!! i hate that! just chill with her, WATCH(key word) movies, talk, do whatever... but not whatever lol unless she starts it and you KNOW shes comfortable with it.
  10. i don't know.... i'll talk to him when he gets home. we have been fine lately
  11. I didn't have a choice, I got kicked out of my house and had no where to go so his mom told me I had to live with them.
  12. Yeah, I guess I'' just get over it and be happy for the time i get with him even though there are other people there but whatever. I guess this proves his point... I am a needy female
  13. Yeah, it's kind of hard to make dates. The only time we can go out is on the weekends and he goes to his dads then.
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