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darkblue last won the day on July 11 2006

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  1. God is second to this - my mind. Darkness at core teaching survival My negativity was born here soon replaced Cynics call me cynical in their wretched way Hurtful heros; buried deep my chest, my hole I dreaded the day... you hated my ways But you saw none of what I am what I've become Is shaped by you, through you by you, I am Failing and falling and sinking my hole, my trap my cave. Your dust it taunts me To be more or less; the same. My mind's eye shows you unblemished but the bottle took care of that In your last breath you were as absent as I Where are you Daddy?
  2. Thank you. LemmonCheesecak, where ever you go, a weegie is not far away
  3. Let me rest In soundless sleep. You were all I had But I am all I need. No more. Co- Dependence. I'm standing Alone but sane. Changed, I have. Regrets now my punishment The night - my nightmare. Your façade is dripping I see you now. My saviour No more.
  4. I'm sorry to play devil's advocate here, but I feel I have to. I respect the life and choices of vegatarians completely. However, if you have to 'supplement' your food - surely it's not right? I mean, as cavemen/women we ate meat. We need meat. There are some things in fish/meat that you just cannot get out of fruit or veg or the equivelant. And if we can only get what we are missing out of synthetic, mass produced, manafactured chemicals then we simply are not made to be veggies.
  5. I know many veggies and vegans who simply do not like the taste/texture of meat. It can be that simple. There's a huge stigma towards people who decide, for whatever reason, not to eat meat. Would you be so critical if someone did not eat mushrooms because they don't like the taste? Or drink bottled water because it's in a plastic container? There's still an element of 'I'm normal - you're not' culture in our society. If everyone turned vegan/veggie, there would be less pollution from animal flatulence. There wouldn't be brutal treatment of animals. There would be more land for the growing of vegetables and fruits. Farmers wouldn't have to accept ridiculously low sums of money for their animals. Etc etc etc. I was a veggie, for about a year. I just stopped enjoying meat. Then I ate it again. I still sometimes eat veggie alternatives like meat free burgers etc, but I still eat meat.
  6. You remind me remarkably of Sylvia Plath. (which is a high compliment) Do you take inspiration from her?
  7. I would hate to think that you are: 1. Glorifying cannabis use 2. Mocking me link removed link removed link removed
  8. Scientific tests have long concluded that the effects of prolonged cannabis use can lead to psychosis and psychiatric disorders. Short-term: Both impair judgement Both cause memory loss Cannabis is illegal: Alcohol is not You can easily become addicted to the nicotine in cannibas cigarettes Alcohol damages the liver; Cannabis has been proven to harm the lungs more than nicotine But the most important thing for me is that you no longer know what is added to cannabis. Research has shown that glass beads are used to give the appearance of 'pollen' residue; which is in itself a myth that it makes the cannabis stronger.
  9. Dante's writings state that suicide is a sin. One of the 'unforgivable sins' as it is put. As is blasphemy, I believe.
  10. So many things are wrong. It's clear to you that she's not over her ex, thereforeeee she has baggage. You answered your own question. "[she's] Good practice" I feel negatively about that, but to each their own. However, if you do feel that way about her, then why is it such a concern to you how much baggage she has? She has enough baggage that you know she has it, but not enough form stopping her dating you. Speaking of which, are you sure you're over your ex?
  11. You have pointed out problems that you control. You also summoned the courage and enthusiasm to post it here - so what I don't get is why you haven't even tried to changed those things first. You can meet people/women. You can change your diet. Why don't you start?
  12. I confess, I haven't read all replies. My opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses is that I have the upmost respect for what they do. I am agnostic. However, I find someone who can go around and try to spread the word of God as quite disrespectful. Aparently, God is everywhere - why is it necessary that his messenger is on your doorstep? I would never go around spreading the word of no God, purely because I have respect for another human's beliefs. Just my opinion.
  13. My aunt had it done, it does leave a scar, but it's not as noticeable as the mole... There are creams that you can use to speed the healing process. I'm sure you can find out about them by googling it. Best of luck.
  14. Do they involve you in conversation much? Remember that there's nothing wrong with being introverted.
  15. There are general smalltalk comments anyone can say. You don't have to be their age, have children, etc to talk about them. I think the best thing to do is to talk about yourself. You know all about that subject!
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