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  1. Here's a spam message I received just today... (They really are trying to vie for the crown of king of spam as well as king of scam!)
  2. I just want to let you fellow poem meisters know about link removed, and the scam that it is... They claim to offer big prizes and rewards to people who submit poems. You are encouraged to submit a poem for free (most genuine poetry competitions have an entry fee of between $5-$25 - which pays for the REAL prizes) that is a maxmium of 20 lines. If that doesn't stifle creativity then I don't know what does! Every poem that is submitted will be accepted, no matter how ridiculous. It is a shame that they catch out so many genuine poets, conning them into sending off a large sum to get a book in which their poem has been published. ($60+) If you don't believe me, look at this poem that was 'selected for publication because of it's unique perspective and your artistic vision': link removed In addition, they 'invite' you to their 'awards ceremony' where you pay to 'win' your prizes. They do everything to try and get as much money as they can out of you. Since link removed is the most typed-in website for people thinking about Poetry, they catch thousands of people out. I did sumbit a poem some years ago to them before I knew they were a scam. But now I know better. And I feel sorry for all those unsuspecting individuals that get caught out. There ARE genuine poetry competitions out there - there's a good magazine in the US called "Poets and Writers" which has a list of real ones: link removed Here are some links on the link removed scam: link removed link removed link removed
  3. Something I have learned in my experiences in a handful of jobs is this: * It's not what you know, or do... But who you know Unfortunately, even if you are more qualified, more moral, more reliable, more trustworthy, more good-looking (well sometimes this goes out the window), more everything than another person, sometimes that person can get the job, solely because they know someone (ie: the director). * Money is king in virtually all jobs Since most companies are accountable to shareholders, they have to legally do everything in their power to make sure they can make lots and lots of money, even if it means cutting corners, treating employees like dirt, and the like. * Most companies will do immoral (and illegal) acts if the fines/cost of those acts is less then their proceeds from them This is something that the vast majority of people in the world don't realise. Check out a documentary on DVD called The Corporation - you will be shocked and in disbelief by the end of it. * In most companies, the higher up you are, the less intelligent you should be (or pretend to be) - most companies want people that follow orders blindly, not work on their own initative (even though they claim the opposite). I have personally seen this in most of my companies, either indirectly or directly. My sister has also observed this at her company too. This ties in with the previous point - if you are a moral/compassionate person and intelligent, companies will see you as a threat in the upper echelons - because they are thinking "Would YOU take part in their immoral acts and practices... Or would YOU blow the whistle?". It's all why a lot of people prefer to work for themselves - since they can work by their rules, and morals. You don't have to put up with the nonsense and backside-licking that most jobs entail. Personally, I hate those companies which make you watch these 'Confidence Building' videos which say "You are so important to the success of your company... Your toilet cleaning position is crucial to the multi-national infiltration of global markets and corporation synergetics of our world-beating company, and we couldn't do it without you... We will be providing a multi-facet team-oriented goal-based retraining schedule taking place over the next 6 months which will decide on completion with a panel of experts the most effective toilet brush for improving effective productivity under the Faraday quotient.." Lol... Corporate bull is something I like to have fun with! The most important thing I have learned is DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE... Even if it doesn't pay much money... You won't get these years back... Because, by Job, most companies don't care about you at all... Put in 45 years of work, and then get a clock to show at the end of it all? What about all those days you could have spent with your wife and family? Instead spent at the office, giving all your love to the company... Sorry for the rant... Hope it opens some people's eyes though
  4. Ode to Galatea Sweet goddess, borne of the Earth's Finest treasures – in my mind, long Have my hands traced your nebulous Beauty; your body was supple and Pliant to the gentle tendings of my Palms. Since my birth, the echo Of a heavenly maiden has stirred Within my soul. Restlessly have I Scoured the hills, and the lands to Find this gentle creature, precious More than a universe of diamonds; Tender more than angel's wings. Sadness clothed my essense in a dark Veil, as the years poured past me, And her image wasn't betrayed by Time – only strengthened inside. Many princess pretenders danced accross the sands of my life, all Trying to capture the bejewelled Crown of my heart, but their faces Never spoke as loud as yours, my Beloved sylph. Your eternal form Was forever sculpted into me, and The aching paleness of your skin Sent my soul cartwheeling along The very edges of passion's reach. Yearning to feel the pulsing of your Lips so close to mine, that the air Is charged with a potent electricity, An inescapable attraction; restless Nights, unending days, searching For you, every when, every where. But as the miles began to take their Toll, the dawning came that never From without would you come, Only, from within. So I turned away from the world, Making mine the space where I Brought my dreams to life, Where two lovers would meet. Tirelessly my hands weaved about Your clad frame, intent to spurn Sleep's wasted moments, so that I could reveal your true beauty. And so, it was done… But as the last touches of my fingers Slipped down from your pure, naked Body, awake's enemy finally tore Down my swollen eyelids. I wasn't even blessed with a filling Glance athwart your faultless figure. Yet in slumber's nourishing reverie, You visited me. Astep from your Pedestal had you ventured, and My hair your fragile hands stroked. From your heart's hand, you offered Me the gift of a delicate black rose. Entranced by your capturous gaze, I shook as you came closer, and Offered me the gift of your lips. Our moment was stolen away by Reality's fading return – so near To ecstasy, but it's denial could Never be assuaged by the second Hand memory of 'almost'. For the first time, my eyes fell Upon the glorious radiance of Your heaven-reaching form; I fell to my knees at your feet, My heart falling too, wishing To exchange my life instead Of spending it lonely, lamenting Your lifeless body, my love. As I prayed to Aphrodite to Take my soul and invest it's Relics into you, so that you Might live, I felt a glowing Presense descend from above; In your eyes a quiver of life Stirred through, and a light Gasp came from your mouth. Tears fell from my eyes as I reached out to hold on to your Virtuous feet, for I wished you To take me with you, to paradise… Galatea, my beloved, I am yours…
  5. There is a good book that I have been reading recently, entitled "Man's Search for Meaning" - it is by a doctor/psychologist called Viktor Frankl who was held prisoner in a notorious concentration camp. He developed an entirely new branch of psychology called 'Logotherapy', which deals with people who are severely depressed, or considering suicide. He often asked people "Why don't you just commit suicide?" - it is a radical way of thinking, even now. But it can shock people into thinking about their life in new ways, to find meaning and value even in the smallest ways... This is a fantastic book, which is not just an account of psychology, but a genuinely inspiring tale of the human spirit, which can shine through even in the most difficult of situations. I recommend this book to everyone, especially those that have stared into that dark abyss...
  6. Friendship comes before love - so many people forget this... Often it isn't love that we fall in with someone, but lust... Sometimes, lust can be more destructive than love when it ends, as it is a physical attraction, rather than love which is a spiritual attraction (and understanding, patient etc.)... We never 'get over' someone, if the feeling was true and genuine (ie: real love, not lust), we simply change, we move on...
  7. Bright Eyes & Interlude - Art Garfunkel (from Watership Down OST) Blood of Eden (Special Mix for Wim Wender's Until the End of the World) - Peter Gabriel Just Another Day Without You - John Secada An Ending (Ascent) - Brian Eno Feels Live Heaven - Fiction Factory
  8. If more men embraced their innate tender (feminine) side, then don't you think the world would be a better place? Just today I read a story about Sharon Stone going on a 'Kiss for Peace' - she will kiss anyone if it helps to bring about peace. In a more serious note, she spoke of how she would like to see more women on the tables of peace/negotiating groups - as women FEEL more with their thinking than men...
  9. Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow It's a great long prose/poem of love lost and regained... link removed It is a probably a bit longer than 10 minutes - but you could always use an excerpt...
  10. My best advice, is not to rely your whole life on Horoscopes - take them with a pinch of salt.. I was guilty of following horoscopes too closely a few years back - I used to get so frustrated when the 'Good Times' and 'Wonderful Love' that they promised never materialised... All I can say, and all I can believe anyone can say, is just follow your heart... Follow your heart... What does it say... You can get a feeling within, when you ask a question to yourself... If it is a warm feeling, then usually that is the answer... Your situation is difficult, and not too unreminiscent of someone in my life... Follow your soul....
  11. Because he's one of the guys who thinks that he can win a woman over by behaving like an idiot... ...anyone that's decent, intelligent or caring wouldn't do this...
  12. Love is a process, not a destination... ...that is a lesson I learned this past year... ....so many believe in the latter, that once love is reached, then it doesn't have to be nurtured, inspired, cared for, worked on, tended to... There is a quote I particularly like: It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a life time. Some people fall in love within minutes, some people over many months.... HOWEVER... And I'm not being cynical here... BUT.... Many men tell women what they want to hear, just so they can use them... They learn the words of honest hearts, and use and abuse them, so that when a honest heart comes along, the lady has been through enough lies to have a defence up against the words... Sometimes it's hard to break through that defence.... It is in the actions that we show someone we love them... Not just the words... This again, is something I have learned in the past year... That we must do more than just say "I love you".... Actions can speak louder than words... At first, words can be intoxicating, and the most hurtful and cruel men use beautiful words to woo the gentle hearts of unsuspecting and tender ladies... But love is more than words... Love is being a friend, love is listening, love is understanding, love is offering compassion, love is patient, love is showing someone you will be there for them, love is showing that you are willing to take care of your life for them (not just because they ask you, but because YOU want to)....
  13. Thanks Shy... ...sometimes I find that poetry helps get some of the depression and gloom out of my soul, and away... away hopefully forever... It's tough when you've been in depression for over 10 years... But I am determined once and for all to fight against this demon, this demon that affects many of us... To take it head on, by the horns and discard it from my life... I believe only love can heal fear, hope heal worry, trust heal doubt... The End of this depression, is coming... Only love, hope and trust can replace it...
  14. What happens if the man that can support himself financially treats you like crap, but the man who might still be at home treats you like a princess?
  15. I believe the women that really want love first don't tend to post Personal Ads....
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