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  1. Hey, I was out with my boys on Thursday night. There was this really good looking girl there! I briefly got to talk to her for a few minutes during the night. In one of my short talks with her I asked if she was seing anyone. she said no, and said she needed to do something and would be right back. Well before she came back all y friends wanted to leave the bar. I told them to go and I would meet them outside. I found the girl and told her I was sorry for being so forward, but my crew was leaving. I asked her for her number, and also told her if she did not intend on doing something with me, not to give it to me. I figure I am a big boy, and ca take rejection!! Besides I would rahter know she is not interested than play the phone game. Wll that friday during work I called her number and left a brief message. And typical she did not call me back!! How long do I wait before I call her a scond time? Also if she does not return this call I will not call again? But again, in regards to my second and final attempt, how long do I wait??
  2. Wow A lot of you posted replies, so I figured I would give you guys my answer. I have a girl that I would like to have a second chance with, but as friends! I still absolutely love this girl, and she will always have my heart, but not in the same way! Is this a first love? Yes she was a first love. Do you still remain in contact? Sadly we do not keep in contact anymore When did you last hear from that person? I last heard from her about 11 months ago, about 2 months after I last saw her. Would you try and contact them? Why or why not? I would no try to contact her. We had an on again off again friendship for 2 years after the break up. Although I always wanted our relationship to be more, I understood that it could never be because we lived in different states. Before the break up we were Long Distance for 3 years of college. The plan was for me to go live with her after school, while she finished school. But as my graduation came near, I got an opportunity to start a company in California. I brought this up, but never really expressed how important this opportunity was to me. As a result we drifted, and soon I broke it off with her, to pursue my career. I broke her heart, and that was that. Well, I started my career, and have done great. I have accomplished so much more than I ever could have imagined. I just acquired my first company, (long Story) and have had the opportunity to tour the world for business. However my success has come with a price. As strange as it sounds my career and love life with her, have intertwined. For years I have always wondered how if it was so great, it failed. I have never been able to accept that we were young, and both made huge novice mistakes. But I would do it all over, just to learn the lesson again. You see since our break up, I have lost several friends to tragic fatal circumstances. I returned home from college only to find that my parents 32 year marriage had failed. Then later I learned that my father lied, and had a long term girl friend on the side. Finally I had to confront my business partner because I uncovered that he misappropriated company funds. Ultimately, I was forced to enact my rights as a primary share holder and remove him from the company, and relinquishing him of any shares of stock. By the way I think I should mention my business partner is MY FATHER!! So the point! Well after all the stuff I have gone through these past years, I now realize that if we never split, I would not have the self confidence, or coping skills to get thru all the post break up ordeals. As odd as it sounds, our break up, let me know that I can get thru all this stuff. I have looked back on our break up, and realized that we all have to struggle to grow. So for that I can now let go, I can be free, and reflect with joy.....because only through PAIN can we gain STRENGTH! For this reason, I would like to freely look back on something so pure, and free, and remember it that way. I figure if fate crosses our paths then that was in the cards. Should fate step in again, and cause some flame, then that too is in the cards. But the odds are slim, and I am not counting on it...instead I am content with the memories, and optimistic that my future will be filled with joy!! I am strong, and good things will happen to me, I just have to be wise enough to realize what is there!! Thanks for reading KANTORE
  3. how many of you out there have one special person who has been on your mind forever, and you wish that you could have one more chance with that person? Is this a first love? Do you still remain in contact? When did you last hear from that person? Would you try and contact them? Why or why not? Sorry for all the questions, just testing a theory that I have. As always fel free to respond here, or PM me! You guys are the best Kantore
  4. I know it hurts as to "why" he did not come over and say hello. But try not to analyze it to much, do your best to understand that it all happens for a reason. Then try and understand that although it has happened for a reason, you may not know that reason for years to come. But know that one day, when you least expect it, all of a sudden you will understand, and be better for it. DO NOT MAKE The same mistake as me.....do not be the person like me on this site still searching for answers. I was with my ex for 4 years, we have been apart for 3 and have not spoken in almost a year. I am still missing her, and have never been able to let go completely. I am the example of what not to be.....Do not be me....understand that life goes on, and great people are everywhere. Kantore
  5. I hear what people on this site are saying, and even agree with you.....but for some reason my heart always goes back to her....I just want answer, and to tell her how she makes me feel....I want her to know that she is a jacked up person, and has no regard for anyone but herself. I want to tell her about all the terrible things she has done to me, and I want her to know that through it all, I still feel that what happened was so long ago, and I would be willing to work at it!! But she is so selfish that I fel it will fall on deaf ears..... I just do not understand how she could just leave and never look back on us, never be curious.and pick up a phine to say hello!! ....to be honest at this point I kinda hope that Karma pays her back, and that she has to experience some of the pain I have felt for the past several years. I wish her to be lonely, and to eventually pick u[p the pone. I pray that I will have moved past this, and found happiness, but that the anger still resides, so that I can cut into her, and tell her all of the horrible stuff she did!!! I want to hurt her like she has hurt me, than perhaps I can smile and go on my way!
  6. So for some reason I can never get my mind off of my first love....What I feel we had was so amazing, but over the courseof the relationship it ran astray like so many other relationships. However regardless of who I date, and how good that is, my heart always leads me back to the thoughts of my first love. We have not spoken now for almost a year, and still live in separate states ....I think. Last we spoke she had gotten back together with her latest ex, and because I felt she was untruthful about this and other stuff to me I stopped speaking to her altogehter. Well I am now curious as to what she is doing and where she is. I want to call her but am so conflicted if this a good idea. Part of me thinks that what we had, she will never have with anyone but me,nd the other half is scared to hear how good her life is without me. I want to tell her how she hurt me, when she lied/mis;ead me about moving to Californai, and about her intentions with her ex....I also want to tell her that I thinnk that what we had was so special, and that I have not found it anywhere else. I would wanty to try agian if she moved to Los Angeles like she swore she planned to do. We have no friends in common as she is from oregon, but I know how to get in touch with her friend through the internet. I was also thinking of calling and talking to her. What do you guys think? But I must keep in mind her friend will call her right away.....Background we dated for 3.5 years, broken up for about 3.5 years, last spoke about 9 months ago. If you need any other background or info just ask me. Also part of the probem I have is that I feel it is always me making the first move, and in this case I would be making the first move again. Please help!!!
  7. Well I have not had contact with my EX-GF for almost a year now! I am glad that there is distance between us, because us keeping in touch was not for the right reasons. But lately I have been curious about what she is doing and where she is at. I have decided for my own best intrest I am not going to contact her, but would talk to her if she ever contacted me. I do care for her greatly, and will always love her, for what we had. Infact I would love for her to call me just so we can catch up...I mean I am doing great in life, and want to share that with her! But one thing that keeps popping up in my head is the thought that our paths will magically cross again. Last I heard from her she was living in a different State than myself.....but I run into people from my past all the time, and feel like we are going to run onto eachother as well......How many of you believe that paths always do cross again? or is it just me?? any advice or comments?
  8. it really does not matter...if they are gonna come back, then they will wether you do nc or not.....and usually if they do come back it usually fails a second time. Its better to leave the past where it belongs....behind you, and look towards the future.
  9. Ok so I have a stupid question but we were talking at lunch and the female language came up. What does it mean if your friend is talking to a girl and just happens to mention that you think they are cute, and there reply is "thats so sweet, he is so nice and really cute" By the way this girl is single, and we have not seen eachother for over two years and are nothing more than mere aquiantences. Also is it a good sign that she at least knew who I was?
  10. sisterlynch, thanks for the reply. Yes my roomate did die in an auto accident, but not while out on the sand dunes. In hind sight I wished I would have gone to the dunes with himm, as I am an adrenaline junky! But the truth is that I always thought I would have another oppurtunity to go. The point is that I put it off and then one day he was gone, and we could no longer go to the dunes... But you are right, leave the past behind you, and sieze the day!!!
  11. This weekend I went away to the mountains to Snowboard like I do most weekends during the season. As I took the gondola to the top of the mountain I looked out on the distance. All I could see was snowcovered earth. I began to think about life, or my life for that matter. I then realized that I also am doing something tomorrow! Everyday of my life I say "I'll do that tomorrow". My roomate in college always used to ask me to go with him to the sand doons and ride Motorcycles and buggies with him. Everytime he went it was always the wrong time for me. I would politely decline, and tell him to count me in next time he went. This went on for years, and I* always planned on going the next time, but nevwer did! It has now been over 2 years since he passed away while we were still in college. For some people tomorrow never comes...infact this is true for most of us!! We are all waiting for something that might never happen. I often times struggle with what has happened to me over the last couple of years.... First real break up, college friends died, family and family friends have died, and my parents 35 year marriage sadly came to an end. Often times I have felt so alone...despite the fact that I have tons of friends, and never stay home alone on wekends...or most nights for that matter. But regardless of this, I have still felt so very alone. I am getting better now, and have come so far. I have mty set backs, and still have so far to go. I am not going to continue to put things off until tomorrow!! Life is too short. Why not make the best of it! Everyperson is going to die. This is a fact, but not every person really lives!!! I do not want to be one of these people!! I do not want to leave this earth with things to do tomorrow! I may not have enough time!! I want to live life like I am dying, and not waste another precesious moment! kantore comments and questions are always welcome..you can pm me too!!
  12. Has anyone on this forum either gotten back together with an ex or know someone who has gotten back together with an ex who you have not seen for years, been broken up with for years, and do not have contact anymore. Or has anyone considered contacting their ex?? Please tell me your story!?! either good or bad, I just want to know, and how long were you guys apart from each other?
  13. hockeyboy, thanks for catching the typo. I just fixed it...anyway you are right. I no longer have anything that she gave me, and have no pictures of her left. But even though there is nothing physical about her to remind me of her, there is nothing I can do to erase the memories!! Lastly your team sucks!! All I have to say bout my Raiders is 1st round draft pick!
  14. hey I have a general question for you. Do you find yourself thinking about an ex that you have not been with in years and have no desire to be with? I ask because I think of my ex almost everyday and often times several times a day.....and even though I don't want to be with her, I have no desire because I know she is not what I need. I am certain I do not need her because her actions truly dictate who she is and how she is!! Just wanted to get some input on this and see if this happens to anybody else.
  15. This weekend I got a call from one of my closest friends stating that he had gotten arrested again. He has a medical marijuana license, but since he had multiple bags, they charged him with intent to distribute. It should be an easy win in the courts. But there are two things that bother me. One is that this is his third strike, and in Californai we have three strikes to life law. So if convicted he is looking at 25 to life....for a minor marijuana conviction. I mean we are not talking about a violent criminal, but when he gets out of jail that is what he will be!!!! The drug laws in the country need to change..... You are better off killing a man then getting caught with pot in certain situations!!! The other scenerio is that he gets off, but then I know that he is going to leave the country forever. I do not blame him for this... but am sad because either way I will loose one of the closest people to me. It is very sad, as once again I have lost another friend to jail, or death!
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