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  1. I'm in for a 4 year LDR too, in which I will see my boyfriend no more than 1 months a year, and no more than once a year. We're happy and we're determined to make it work. Right now.. we're half a year down and 3.5 more to go.
  2. Sorry, my situation's a bit different. I'm an atheist, and my boyfriend's family is... very very devoted to Catholism. However, they respect my views. As long as I don't tell them in their face that there is no god, they won't tell me "god bless you" or "I'll pray for you." ^^; They know that super ticks me off. My boyfriend isn't allowed to see me much because he's in Iraq. Actually, I'm not sure if he's in Iraq. He's somewhere in the middle east. He says he's going to file for leave time maybe for summer next year. However, he wants to go to Japan or Hawaii for vacation, and I might not be able to go with him... I also might live home, which means he will not be able to visit me and stay at my house... it's getting really difficult but we're trying to hang in there. I wonder if you and your boyfriend can somehow get your families to agree to leave religion off conversations. If people don't mention the word god, they can actually co-exist quite peacefully.
  3. Ask a doctor. Some doctors think birth control pill starts working after 1 week, other says 1 month... =/
  4. Below is about AIDS. link removed Next is about the rest of the STDs (graphical, don't click if you're eating unless if you have a strong stomach like me! *keeps eating*) link removed
  5. If you're not happy, get a divorce. You can justify a divorce, but nothing justifies cheating.
  6. Which reminds me of my first party with alchohol in college... it was among a few friends, I never drank a sip (has reputation of being the "pure" one, so all guys kept the alchohol off me), well, it got late, so I took a few friends home. Next day, met up with some friends for lunch and my friend just said, "OMG, you cannot imagine what happened to me last night! You know our friend -----? My roommate ended up having sex with her while I was in the room! I couldn't sleep all night because they're moaning and rolling on their bed and I am just accross the room!" "Why didn't you leave?" "I was hella tired and I was not about to give up my bed just so those two can have sex in private!" I can only wonder if my two friends remembered anything after they woke up. I never dared ask them.
  7. Seriously, if you're unhappy, get a divorce before you go out with someone else. My father has been cheating for the past 7 years with some.... woman. Well, I know he's unhappy in his marriage. He's unhappy enough to send my mom to another country to live all by herself and visit her 4 times a year with no phone calls in between. Now, if he wants to divorce her and go date this... woman, I'm 100% for it. If he divorces my mom and dates someone else, I hope he finds happiness and builds his life again. HOWEVER, he didn't do that. Now I want both him and his girlfriend to die and suffer in hell. Actually, I hate them so much once I build my own life and return, I'll personally visit her, file a law suit against her, make my mom file a lawsuit against him (in our country you can sue for infidelity), take all of his money AND the house he secretly bought for his girlfriend and thought no one found out, and leave them both in poverty. Expect me to kick him out of my house when he's old and needs health care or wants to see his grand children. IMO, I don't care how much he paid for my family. He got himself into the position where he only pays and doesn't do any other duty as a father. I don't care about what he did for us. He cheated on my mother so he should fix himself a spot in hell and disappear from public eyes. Wait until I help his friends find out about his girlfriend. I think his mom should know too. One day, they'll all know, and he'll know the daughter he loves knew about his relationship all along, and is set out to screw him over. I'm sure your wives will be happier if you let her go before you cheat on her. You can justify a divorce, but you can NEVER justify infidelity. Loneliness, not an excuse. Mistreated, not an excuse. Doesn't feel appreciated, not an excuse. Has no soul mate, not an excuse. Met "the one" too late, not an excuse. Wife changed her personality, not an excuse. ANY excuse you make up for infidelity is not an excuse. If you're Christian, also remember, God reserved a special seat for you in hell if you commit adultary. If you're from any other religions, God(s) also reserved special seats for you in hell if you commit adultary. If you're an atheist, THANK GOODNESS we have morals! Who knows, maybe your kid is plotting to make you a living hell when they grow up. You won't even have to wait until you die to see what a hell looks like, how nice.
  8. You deserve to be appreciated... and stop buying everything for your girlfriend, that's the job of a sugar daddy, not a boyfriend. Gifts to be romantice once in a while, gifts to make her happy once in a while, buying dinner when you're out, paying for gas... sure. Paying for her medicine and her living expenses? NO! Hmm... I can't help but be curious though... how heavy are you that your girlfriend will insult you with her cheeseburger comment? I have a standard of obesity I want my boyfriend to never reach too. I know he'll likely pass that in the future. >_
  9. PAdreamer, give him a hug after you smack him, so he can get rid of his perfects.
  10. >> Empathy.... Yeah, that's my reason for banning myself from political debates now. I'm too lazy to dig out sources to back up my views even though I know exactly where I'm coming from. Sometimes it's even harder to get motivation when you know nothing that's said will change anything. In this topic though, at least everyone can agree to dissagree, so it's still good.
  11. >_ ... other than e-mails that I sometimes get from bf, the only communication pathway is my letters everyday... I guess my valley recently was when he was able to go online for 2 hours a day last last weekend.. and didn't bother to wake me up so we can chat. After he explained he didn't do it on purpose I gave up on that issue though. ... as of hardly any words from him. ... I forced myself to accept that. ^^;;;; =/ let's all work on keeping our LDRs intimate and sweet. ^_^ I'm determined to make mine work! I don't care if I never hear from him or sees him once a year. If I know he'll someday come back to me, that's enough.
  12. ... well... I think if you just had one fling, learned from it, and is sure that you will never do it again... I'm kind of interested in why you feel guilty too. I hope you felt guilty before your ex-bf called you for money. Don't give him any money or that's a sign that he can blackmail you with this. Instead, it'd probably be nice to change your phone number, screen your mails, and tell your husband about a man who is trying to ruin your life by taking your husband's trust away from you. ... yes, I know, it's mean... but what can I say, if you make it sounds like the guy's a lunatic and you have no idea what to do so you need your superman husband to save your day... often times it works if you're clever enough. If you think there's the slightest possibility that your husband will find out about the truth, I think it'll be nice if you sit down with him and ask him for help + tell him the good version of the story with minimal sex + intimacy.
  13. get away from him? You should always love yourself more than the person you're in love with. If you don't love yourself it's hard for other people to love you too. It's not easy living your life, and you don't need someone to make it harder.
  14. No, she's hoping one of us will encourage her to persue him, break his family apart and turn his wife's life into a living hell in addition to giving her methods of persuing an adultary. ... You're not doing either yourself, your family, him, his family, your friends any good... you said it's just something you had to try or you'll regret it. I think the same way about being a porn star, I feel good about never acting on it.
  15. it's alright... ^^: I never hugged a guy until when I was 20.
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