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  1. Well I got a question. Who stated their love first? Was it him or you? And I think it might have been better if you established from the beginning that you didn't want an actual relationship instead of APPEARING to lead him on for quite some time. I am quite sure his feelings for you were somewhat apparent. That should have been the time to tell him to slow down. But I have seen the other side of situations like this. Sometimes the person posting was the one that was moving too fast. So it'll look like the poster is not at fault. How exactly did he guilt trip you?
  2. This will sound really goofed up but use LOGIC instead of emotion. What are you going to get out of him other than moe pain and punishment. You would be defeating the purpose of a relationship, which is to be HAPPY with your partner. And you will NEVER be happy should you go for this guy again. Hate to sound like a harsh person but it is failry obvious you have no idea what you are doing. Use your head and I wish you well on your hopefully "intelligent" decision.
  3. I noticed that I get more attention to girls if I LEAVE THEM ALONE. Try and see if it works for the ladies. Pay men no mind and the next thing you know, the guy you always wanted (or close to him) will come your way. In fact, just do what you got to do and don't even think about guys. He shall come. And Annie (who is always right ) is telling the truth. Notice guys with generally "unattractive" girls? Not all of us want looks ya know. I mean sure there has to be SOME sort of physical attraction but sometimes the personality is way more desired.
  4. Yea man. Club girls are very lousy. I hate the party type and the drinking type. I get very bad vibes from them. And Traz, when I was in high school, that is EXACTLY how I felt and dealt with my issues. You and I were in the EXACT same situation.
  5. Whether the kid was joking or not, she needs to learn some sort of respect. This is supposed to be a place where you can come to someone for help, not act like a knuckledragger and curse at people and place fake posts. I think someone needs to get on her case really fast because this action is deplorable in an environment like this. Me and everyone here do not have time to play games. If you want to rant and rave, go to link removed. There are plenty of people there who like to crack jokes and place weird posts and fight. But not here. This goes to anyone out there who are just like her...thank you.
  6. But if in fact she really wants a baby, she will seriously need to seek help. I'm done with these retarded games. Time to help someone who isn't lost in the middle of the Milky Way.
  7. I don't buy it either but I don't see a motive as to why she would lie either. In any case, she needs to seek the help of a professional, not us. Not insulting her but I am being very serious about this. Either she really wants a kid at this young age or she is DYING for attention.
  8. Well, then I guess the only thing I can say is...good luck. As for the question I asked, I thought you haven't had the sex yet to be pregnant in the first place. None of us knew that.
  9. Well if you don't care what we think then why did you come on here in the first place? We take time out of our precious lives to help out someone who could be making the biggest mistake or their life and we get crapped on. That's the fine, do what you want, but don't expect any help from me when you come back here crying about something. You obviously haven't planned out anything and you are going to get your boyfriend in serious trouble. And how all of a sudden are you pregnant?
  10. Be confident but don't become arrogant. Some of us guys are intimidated by that. I know I am. If a girl just seems to be doing her thing and not all stuck up, I see her as somewhat approachable. You can be confident but a sweetheart at the same time. It takes practice I guess.
  11. Hence your name Hope...LOL! But yeah, I hope something got to her head. As immature as she acted, I doubt she will unfortunately. It is pretty sad when ANOTHER 14 year old girl on here even told her it was a bad idea.
  12. Yeah, it is quite sad. Bringing a poor child into a doomed world because the parent was incompetent.
  13. It is sad to see a lost cause. You don't want to give up on some people but at the same time you know there isn't anything you can do. Some people just HAVE to learn the hard way. And sadly, sometimes it is the ONLY way they can get something through to their head.
  14. I hate to be the pessimist guys but after that last comment she gave us, I think she made up her mind and she basically told us to F off. It was worth a shot and if I was a betting man, I'd say we will see her again in the mere future either about how to care for the baby, or about her boyfriend leaving her to hang.
  15. I myself have been rejected more than accepted. And even though I am quite bitter about it, I also know there must be some sort of accepting female out there. Same thing with you. Not everyone you like is going to like you back. Just drive on, and do not worry, I fought long and hard to tell myself that and I still have my doubts but I continue on with my life and let other people do their thing. How old are you anyways?
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