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  1. hey. im new here. im 14 and i have had a boyfriend before and my mom knew about it. she was fine with it until i saw him one day (we didnt see each other very often) and then she had a problem with him. we ended up breaking up a couple weeks later and i told my mom and she was happy. we were still talking because we stayed friends and then i got another boyfriend. she was mad about him but didnt say anything except that i was too young to have a boyfriend. i broke up with him a week ago after only going out for 2 weeks because he wanted to touch me and i would not let him. i met this guy named rob last weekend and i really like him. i was talking to him on the phone last night and my mom asked me who it was and i said that it was rob, and she started flipping out on me because my ex's name was rob too. she thought it was him. i told her it wasnt him and i dont think she believed me. today i was at my cousin's where my new friend rob lives and we were all hanging out and my mom knew 2 of the guys because they live around here and she knows them pretty good. when i got into the car, she asked who the other guy was and i told her it was rob. she started flipping on me and she said that she had told me never to talk to him again and stuff like that. i tried telling her that it was a different rob and she wouldnt believe me i dont think. she told me that i was not allowed at my cousin's anymore because my mom thinks my aunt lets anything go on there adn she doesnt care what happens. my aunt is the exact opposite. my mom was telling me again that i was too young to be hanging out with boys and she asked me when i had gotten so intrested in them. i was 12. 12 and she didnt even know. all i want is my mom to talk to me so that she can see that i would not do anything stupid with a guy and that she can trust me. thats all i want, is for my mom to talk to me and see what is going on in my life. my sister is 25 with 2 kids and my brother is 23 so i dont see why she shouldnt have atleast a half hour every once in a awhile just to talk to me and see whats going on. plz help me to try to get her to talk to me.
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